December 27-th
two months without mom
December 28-th
Sofia during the holidays - sleeping city and ...
sleeping villagers here. / This is a joke./
В апартаметна на моите родители - това цвете се нарича Коледниче. То цъфти само на Коледа!
In my parents' apartment - this flower is called the Christmas flower. It blooms only at Christmas!
2013 година е годината на Змията по китайския календар.
2014 - на коня.
Майка ми беше змия, а моят баща - кон.
Мисля, че в края на годината той просто взе майка ми при себе си.
2013 is the year of the Snake in the Chinese calendar.
2014 - the horse.
My mother was a snake, and my father - a horse.
So I think - at the end of the year, he just took my mother with him.
Прибирайки се към къщи забелязах едно коте, което изхвърча като стрела. Оказа се, че то е гонено не от куче, а от две момчета. Котето се покачи на дървото. Как ще слезе обаче - не знам!
Coming home I saw a kitten, which flew like an arrow. It was chased by two guys. Kitten climbed the tree. How it will go down - I don't know!
В събота гледахме филма "Чужденецът". Спомням си, че майка ми много искаше да го гледа. Тази вечер ние направихме това в нейна памет.
"Младия французин/Жерар/ е на командировка в България. Съдбата го среща с българка с буен нрав /Магдалена/.
Следвайки порива на сърцето си той тръгва да търси селото, в което тя живее, без да познава нрава и езика на хората живеещи там. Това води до комични и абсурдни грешки, с които Жерар успява да промени съдбите редица хора, както в село Лещен, така и във Франция.
Романтична комедия изпълнена с неочаквани и приключенски моменти, носеща духа на филмите от 60те и 70те години."
On Saturday we watched the movie "The Stranger". I remember that my mother really wanted to watch it. So this evening we did this in her memory.
a story:
Young Frenchman / Gerard / is on business trip to Bulgaria.
Fate meeting him and Bulgarian woman with strong temperament / Magdalena /.
He doesn't know the manners and language of the people living in Bulgaria.
Following the impulse of his heart - he goes in search the village where Magdalena lives - Leshten.
This leads to comical and absurd errors.
Gerard managed to change the destiny many people as village Leshten and in France.
The romantic comedy filled with unexpected and adventurous moments.
You will see a Frenchman in Bulgaria, as well as one Bulgarian in France.
The roles of parents Gerard performed by real Frenchmen - Catherine Gautier and Christopher Lambert.
OMGoodness - where are all the people gone ??!!!!
ОтговорИзтриванеI am sure the kitten will get down - when have you ever seen a skeleton of a dead kitten in a tree...... NEVER !! :-D He will fly down soon I am sure xx
So sorry about your Mother now - I hope she is happy together now with your Father xx
Much Love
IKE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I thought about your Mother over this Christmas period and your loss must have been very much with you all this Christmas (((hugs))
ОтговорИзтриванеWe too have that plant in UK we call it the Christmas cactus!
Those Streets look really quiet as though the city has been deserted.
ОтговорИзтриванеMy mum used to have a huge Christmas Rose which flowered every Christmas. In the Summer she put it outside as she said it made it flower better.
PS my mum also called it a Christmas cactus
ОтговорИзтриванеI so wish our town would go to sleep at some point, I imagine all the people in Sofia were spending time with their families and relaxing. xxx