Посвещавам тази публикация на Михаела Венкова -
моята зълва, с благодарност за чудесната организация на една страхотна, макар и кратка почивка в Гърция, както и по повод нeйния рожден ден - днес!
Честит Рожден Ден, Мишел!
I dedicate this publication to Mihaela Venkova - my sister in law,
grateful for the wonderful organization of a great, albeit short, holiday in Greece as well as her birthday today!
Happy Birthday, Michelle!
Keramoty is a town and a former municipality in the Kavala regional unit,
Panoramic view - photo Internet |
According to the 1928 census, Keramoti is a purely refugee village with 59 refugee families and 207 people. During the Second World War, Keramoti was annexed along with the whole province of Bulgaria, but then returned to Greece again.
Today Keramoti is a picturesque little sea resort with a faboulous sandy beach,
several little hotels and a lot of vacation rentals. / from Wikipedia/
И така 3 дни, през които българите говориха гръцки, а гърците говореха български език.
Ние си бяхме забравили джапанките и първото нещо,
което си купихме бяха чехли.
Както може да разберете от снимките, имахме прекрасно време, великолепна храна и страхотни емоции.
And so 3 days during which the Bulgarians spoke Greek and the Greeks spoke Bulgarian.
We had forgotten our flip-flops and the first thing we boughtwere bathroom slippers.
As you can see from the pictures, we had a wonderful weather,
excellent food and great emotions.
Very cool lady! |
Michaela, my son Vlady and my hubby Nicky |
The same monument, but in the back. |
regularly travels ferry to the island of Thassos |
our landlords |
"Beach Bar Paralia", which is one of the best beaches in the region. |
a "keeper" of fishponds |
Greek salad |
Different types of fish |
Breakfast - very delicious patties! |
Разбрали за предстоящ протест на гърците - блокиране на моста - единственият изход по суша - ние тръгнахме много рано сутринта. Всъщност местните хора са прави да протестират - отнемат им здравната служба! Видяхме, че не всичко е цветя и рози - и нашите южни съседи си имат много проблеми за решаване.
about the upcoming protest the Greeks - blocking the bridge - the only
way out by land - we left very early in the morning. In fact, local people are right to protest - there will be no health center in the village now! We have seen that not everything is flowers and roses - and our southern neighbors have many problems to solve.
Map - from Internet |
On the road again |