С тези 2 снимки искам да напомня за Гръцката бокада на границата - вижте веригите на вратата и изобилието от стоки, след като блокадата падна!
With these 2 pictures I want to remind the Greek blockade of the border - see chains on the door and the abundance of goods after the blockade fell! Lucky.
1. Choose a location.
2. Have your camera ready.
3. Set a timer for 5 minutes (I use my mobile phone).
4. Take as many photos you can until the time is up.
5. Choose 5 photos to download and share by using the link tool below.
Направих 5 снимки пред блока на моята сестра, докато я чаках една сутрин да пием кафе заедно.
I made 5 photos in front of my sister apartment block
until one morning I waited for her to drink coffee together.
No people and the park was empty.
Небесна жарава.
Heavenly glow.
For him
Тези дни, търсейки стихове за празника на жената, попаднах на едно чудесно стихотворение от Валентин Йорданов. Нарича се "Изкушения" и бях изкушена да го споделя с вас. Направих картичка за един много специален човек с цели 4 брака зад гърба си! Ето я:
These days, looking for a poem for the Feast of the woman I came across a wonderful poem by Valentin Yordanov. It's called "Temptations" and I was tempted to share it with you. I made a card for a very special guy with 4 marriage. Here it is :
Size 21sm./15sm./ ( 8.3'/5.9 ' ) |
Sentiment / A poem by Valentin Yordanov
Lovely white silence ...
Only the wind whispering:
"Do you love a woman
will also loved you! "
New voice from other worlds
I perceive with my male rumor:
"If you love, then love two women!" -
and distinctly heard it.
And just for my luck,
overhear my second "Me":
"What will be if they are three?" -
whisper inside that voice.
I paused in a moment to decide,
and the truth suddenly
said to me, "Every one woman
longs for love of man! "
Peace and Love /
Challenge #77Something For the Males
Snowflake Promise - #18 Spring