Моята снимка
Sofia, Bulgaria; Just a woman in a Man's Man's World... Wife, mother of a 20+year-old boy -a young philosopher. Make cards sometimes and I was a proud DT member of IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.

понеделник, 3 юли 2017 г.

Asian in Sofia - an incredible festival - I

              Sunday afternoon, I and my son go to Borisova Gradina at the invitation of a friend of ours -a participating in the festival. What we have seen and experienced has left us without words!

        13 countries present traditional dances, music and exotic dishes - Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Iran, China, Mongolia, Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, Thailand, the Philippines, South Korea and Japan.

             Неделя, късен следобед, двамата с моя син се отправяме към Борисовата градина по покана на една наша приятелка - участничка във фестивала. Това, което видяхме и преживяхме ни остави без думи!



and He
 / This is the best picture that others (me!) did the photographer! /
  / Това е най-добрата снимка, която другите (аз!) направиха на фотографа!/

Great souvenirs!

 Very sweet Japanese girls ...
 Here they pose for us:

A nice meeting - these are two of my classmates from the Mathematical High School -
later we saw others from our class!
 Приятна среща - това са двама мои съученици от Математическата гимназия -
по- късно срещнахме и нашата съученичка  - Ивет.

to be continued

5 коментара:

  1. What a wonderful day you must have had. I miss you and would love to see you again xxx

    1. Thank you, dear Viv! I miss you too and I'll be glad to see you again. Here in Sofia. There are many things you couldn't see for the short time we had in my town. Vlady has grown up and he has learned English, unlike me... Smile!


  2. Страхотно лято ще си изкарате. В София няма как да се оплаче човек от скука. Приятно лято!

  3. What a fantastic event. :-) I wish I could go there. x
