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5. Choose 5 photos to download and share by using the link tool below.
I want to present a book I bought for a 14-year-old girl.
It is -
"Goodnight Stories for Girls - Rebels".
Authors are 2 ladies -
Elena Favili, Francesca Kavallo
I opened randomly and shoot 4 double pages -
these are 4 amazing women -
4 of 100 presented in the book!
The illustrations are made by 60 artists / women / from all over the world.
To all rebel girls around the world
dream even more boldly,
aim even higher,
brace yourself even more,
and when in doubt, remember,
that you are right.
Искам да представя една книга, която купих за подарък на едно 14-т годишно момиче.
" Истории за лека нощ за момичета - бунтарки"
Автори са 2 дами -
Елена Фавили, Франческа Кавало
Аз отворих случайно и снимах 4 двойни страници -
това са 4 невероятни жени -
4 от 100 представени в книгата!
Илюстрациите са дело на 60 художнички / жени/ от цял свят.
Повече може да намерите тук.
мечтайте още по-смело,
целете се още по-високо,
борете се още по-устремено,
а когато се съмнявате, не забравяйте,
че сте прави.
Julia Child - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_Child |
Isabel Alliende - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isabel_Allende |
Coco Chanel - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coco_Chanel |
Yusra Mardini - https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2016/aug/06/yusra-mardini- 100m-butterfly-heat-win-refugee-olympic-team-rio-2016 |
There are thousands of such women ...
We are waiting for book number two.
Има хиляди такива жени… Чакаме книга номер две.
What a wonderful idea for a post - and a wonderful book Borqna! The illustrations look inviting and I love the idea of celebrating amazing women! Thank you for sharing this, and happy reading!