Във февруарския брой на списание "GEO" има статия за събитията отпреди 100 години, озаглавена " Атентатът". Авторите обясняват защо европейските монарси / които са и роднини също/ не успяват за предотвратят Първата световна война.
In the February issue of the magazine "GEO" has an article about the events of 100 years ago, entitled "The Assassination". The authors explain why European monarchs / relatives who are also / fail to prevent World War I.
Week 33: Sky pictures
Sea and sky
Week 34: Paper Mates
Newspapers/ Cards/ Bags or Boxes
Posters/ Tissue or crepe/ Hobby papers/Your choice
Great post and pictures. Very interesting looking article in the magazine. Love your photos!
ОтговорИзтриванеIt looks like you had a brilliant holiday.
ОтговорИзтриванеI love your posters.
That article looks really interesting. We are looking at the WW1 here in Britain. It is a tragedy the number of people who died