Моята снимка
Sofia, Bulgaria; Just a woman in a Man's Man's World... Wife, mother of a 20+year-old boy -a young philosopher. Make cards sometimes and I was a proud DT member of IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.

сряда, 7 декември 2011 г.

X for Xerox?! - Not easy!

Christmas  wishes - Friends
 My card:

Не мога да ям! Не мога да спя! Полудях! В кухнята ми е паднала бомба! Изпуснах срока на конкурса, но реших да довърша картичката!
Скъпа Хелън, бях в магазинчето за материали. Продавачката видя черно-бялото копие на твоята картичка. И каза пет пъти:
- Много е красиво това!..
-Знам!!! - отговорих - Нали затова искам да го направя!

I can't eat! I can't sleep! I will go crazy! In my kitchen has fallen a bomb! I missed the contest deadline, but I decided to finish the card!
Dear Helen, I went to shop for materials. А saleswoman saw black and white copy of your card. And she said five times - It's very beautiful! ...

I know! That's why I want to do it!
The Challenge was :

Copy a card that one of the ABC Christmas DT created this year  
 I xeroxed this card made by Helen
for the B for Black and White challenge.
The original:


X for Xerox?! - It was not easy!

6 коментара:

  1. Thanks for your message - you did a great Xerox of my card - love thee way you've used pearls for the spots on the ribbon!
    Sorry you missed the deadline for the Xerox challenge, but I'm glad you let me know about your card - you could enter it into our new challenge...'Yippee it's almost Christmas!'
    Helen x

  2. Sorry to hear you missed the deadline for our X challenge.
    As Helen said, you can enter it into this fortnighis Y for Yipee challenge. Your card is- as Helen's-beautiful.

  3. OH NOOOOO!!! sorry you missed th deadline! AWESOME CARD TOO!!! well done you! but yes your card fits the theme this fortnight YAY!! hugs Samantha ABC Christmas CHallenge :0)

  4. GREAT card - love the images. I found you on Christine's Blog.... 'My Other Creative Side'

    Hello :-D
    Ike xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. Wow! Awsome card!! I love it!!
    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog, Borqna!
    It makes me happy! :D
    Have a great christmas-weekend!!
    Hugs, Tess.
