When I saw the word weathered, before me appeared strong and the sun burned bodies of young men. And I wrote this :
"Oops! My imagination is filled with erotic in the early hours of the day!"
Then I read Susie's notes - you know, you've read them too. I decided that I was wrong to joke at this moment - I deleted my comment...
/Really - everyone must have a computer!/
But the treacherous thought haunted me.
The pictures are a special greeting for Picxie./ She looks like my sister /.
Some information:
Encyclopedic Dictionary
A. Which has acquired physical and moral stamina. It was a weathered and not get sick.
B. Technical. For metal, glass and others. - Which has acquired greater firmness by strong heating and rapid cooling. Tempered steel.
synonyms - durable, tested, practiced, experienced, trained, conditioned, sustainable
(за стомана) tempered
2. (издръжлив) hardy, inured; steeled, seasoned, well-tried; as hard as nails
ЗАКАЛЕН в бой battle-seasoned, steeled in battles
ЗАКАЛЕН революционер a seasoned revolutionary
ЗАКАЛЕН в трудностите inured to hardships; steeled in hardships
Българо-Английски речник / Bulgarian-English dictionary
1. hardened(за стомана) tempered
2. (издръжлив) hardy, inured; steeled, seasoned, well-tried; as hard as nails
ЗАКАЛЕН в бой battle-seasoned, steeled in battles
ЗАКАЛЕН революционер a seasoned revolutionary
ЗАКАЛЕН в трудностите inured to hardships; steeled in hardships
Тълковен речник
закалена, закалено, мн. закалени, прил.
1. Който е добил физическа и нравствена издръжливост; кален. Беше закален и не настиваше.
1. Който е добил физическа и нравствена издръжливост; кален. Беше закален и не настиваше.
2. Спец. За метал, стъкло и др. – който е добил голяма твърдост чрез силно нагряване и бързо охлаждане. Закалена стомана.
Синонимен речник
(прил.) кален, издръжлив, изпитан, изпечен, опитен, трениран, приучен, устойчив
----------------Only from this distance he is not dangerous! / Wink /
Само от тази дистанция той не е опасен! /Намигване/
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Oops! |
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This is the new face of "JUNDHEINRICH" |
I think it's an extremely good interpretation Borqna. Sun burned skin !
ОтговорИзтриванеWell done !!!
ИзтриванеWhen we are talking about weathered - first understand - body, man.
Thanks for your comment!
and a weathered white wall behind that handsome man!!!
ОтговорИзтриванеYes, I understand that he not engaged ...
ОтговорИзтриванеIs there any English lady? /Just kidding/
We have kind of song ...
Thanks for your comment!
well done on the link
ОтговорИзтриванеLove it, full of humour and naughtiness today :)
ОтговорИзтриванеSingle English Lady here....although pretty happy with that situation lol :)
lol- great interpretation!!!!
ОтговорИзтриванеBrilliant interpretation Borqna.
ОтговорИзтриванеDear ladies, thank you very much for your pleasant comments!
ОтговорИзтриванеIn Bulgarian the song sounds very nice.
"I am a girl Englishwoman
cheated out of love...
Forests, seas go,
I'm not afraid now,
will go to trail
fraudster myself."
Oh Borqna, you shouldn't have deleted your comment! You made me laugh :) xx
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, dear Susie. Your comment is a reward for me. People I photograph - Nina, my colleague asked me:
ОтговорИзтриване- What is happening? Are we win? ..
I win every day a good mood!
Благодаря ти, скъпа Сузи. Твоят коментар е награда за мен. Хората, които аз снимам - Нина, моят колега, ме питат:
- Какво става? Печелим ли ние?..
Аз печеля всеки ден добро настроение!