"Натюрмортът е болест. И започвайки тази игра не можете да спрете. Композира се всичко - предмети за писане, камъчета от морския бряг, даже облаци. " - http://www.macropic.net/NaturaMorta1.html
Ето моето предложение за натюрморт - "Закуска на Великден" - традиция в нашето семейство.
Here is my suggestion for still life - "Breakfast of Easter" - a tradition in our family.
Албумът на Нина / Nina's album
Албумът на Нина / Nina's album
За тези, които не знаят - Нина се съгласи да бъде модел " Същата, но различна - 7 дни".
Аз й обещах тези снимки в специално ръчно изработен от мен албум. От фото-къща "Ралица" направиха чаша със една от снимките.
For those who do not know - Nina agrees to be a model
same ... but different
I promised her these pictures in a special handmade by me album. Photohouse "Ralitsa" made the cup with one of the photos.

Image: http://scribblesbysandy.blogspot.com/2012/05/garden-of-weedin.html
Това е вторият албум, който правя. Първият може да видите тук:
снимки 9 см. /13 см. / Photos 9 cm / 13 cm
квадрати 17см. /17см. /17 cm squares. / 17 cm.
квадрати 17см. /17см. /17 cm squares. / 17 cm.

Image: http://scribblesbysandy.blogspot.com/2012/05/garden-of-weedin.html
Това е вторият албум, който правя. Първият може да видите тук:
This is the second album that I do. The first can be viewed here:
/ The idea for the album found here:
http://scrap-info.ru/myarticles/article_storyid_5.html /
I want to tell you this:
I want to tell you this:

James David Bourchier (1850–1920) (his last name is frequently misspelled as Boucher or Baucher) was an Irish journalist and political activist. He worked for The Times as the newspaper's Balkan correspondent. He lived in Sofia from 1892 to 1915. Bourchier was an honourable member of the Sofia Journalists' Society and a trusted advisor of Tzar Ferdinand of Bulgaria. He acted as an intermediary between the Balkan states at the conclusion of the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913.
With his numerous publications in the British press, and in his private and social correspondence, Bourchier repeatedly voiced his sympathy towards Bulgaria and its people.
One of his favorite places to vacation is the Rila Monastery. Boucher stated his servant where it wants to be buried - in front of the monastery, where he spent many hours in contemplation and reflection.
After his death, was buried near the Rila Monastery - a unique honor for a foreigner.

Borqna, Nina's album is so beautiful. She must have been so happy when she got it. Something to treasure for life !
ОтговорИзтриванеI love your Easter Breakfast photo, very pretty colors.
Another beautiful post today, xx
Wow I am impressed with the speed at which you have made your album. I am still thinking about it.
ОтговорИзтриванеI love your traditional breakfast. While I am a hue chocolate fan it is so good to see real eggs that have been decorated instead of just bought.
I agree Ali, you made that album so quickly and what a lovely idea to have the mug done too.
ОтговорИзтриванеInteresting information about Bourchier too, thank you xx
love the easter picture. The album for Nina looks lovely, you have done it very quickly!
ОтговорИзтриванеПасхальный натюрморт очень интересный! Альбом просто чудо - в нем очень много слоев и деталек!
ОтговорИзтриванеNina's album is beautiful and what a lovely gift with the photo mug aswell.
ОтговорИзтриванеThe Easter photo is lovely, too.
Greetings! I love your photograph of the "Breakfast of Easter," because I love painting eggs. Yours are so bright and beautiful! I've been incorporating photography into my posts in the past 5 posts, and would love to hear what you think. Blessings!