Избрах тази снимка за новата дума - Възраст. / I chose this photo for the new word - Aged.
Ето ви - три поколения - / Here on the bench - three generations -
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2008г. |
Площад "Славейков" е известен площад в същинския център на София. На площада има много сергии с книги, поради което той е получил прозвището си Книжен пазар. Тук се намира софийската Градска библиотека, както и един от първите ресторанти „Макдоналдс“ в столицата.
The monument of Petko and Pencho Slaveikovi. In place of the monument was located the house where in 1879 Petko Slaveykov to settle. The monument is an iron bench on which sat his son - Pencho Slaveyikov (with his characteristic hat and a thick stick) and father Petko Slaveikov. Sculpture is the idea of the arch. Stanislav Konstantinov. Author George Chapkanov.
Square "Slaveykov" is famous square in the very center of Sofia. The square has many stalls with books, so he got his nickname Paper market. Here is the Sofia City Library, and one of the first restaurant "McDonald's" in the capital.
Пенчо Петков Славейков е български поет. Той е най-малкият син на поета и политик Петко Славейков.
Pencho Slaveikov was a Bulgarian poet. He is the youngest son of the poet and politician Petko Slaveikov.
Няколко снимки от днес. Испанската гимназия в София.
Some pictures from today. The Spanish School in Sofia.
great photos, love the scultures of the men with your son.
ОтговорИзтриванеLovely photos. It's so nice to have a guided tour of your city !
ОтговорИзтриванеLovely photos- especially the one of your son on the bench.
ОтговорИзтриванеi love the bench photo!! what a great idea for this word.. i really enjoy coming over here every day and discovering sofia through your pictures.
ОтговорИзтриванеLove the sculpture.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you ladies!