Моята снимка
Sofia, Bulgaria; Just a woman in a Man's Man's World... Wife, mother of a 20+year-old boy -a young philosopher. Make cards sometimes and I was a proud DT member of IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.

неделя, 17 юни 2012 г.

Day 169: same ... but different - day 3

Задачата  -"Същата, но  различна", се оказва трудна. Защото тя непрекъснато се смее. 
Сега, като се замисля, аз не си спомням ден или момент, в който тя да е намръщена, сърдита, обидена. Винаги е усмихната. Всеки път, когато ме види, ме поздравява. Усмихва се и ме пита - 
 - Как си?...

  Как съм?

 The task - "The same, ...but different", is difficult. She is constantly laughing.
Now, as I think, I do not remember a day or time when she was frowning, angry, offended. She is always smiling. Every time you see me, greets me. She smiles and asks me -
  - How are you?...
   How am I?

Една малка Пепеляшка!
На блузата й пише -  "Ти можеш да видиш моето бъдеще!"
Мога ли?..
Можем ли?
A little Cinderella!
On her shirt writes - "You can see my future! "
Can I?..
Can we?
Една малка разходка в нашия квартал.
A small walk in our neighborhood.

10 коментара:

  1. I too love all the photos xxxx Have a great day xxx

  2. Lots of lovely photos and what a good idea that you are going to make an album for all the 'same but different' photos. x

  3. lovely photos, so nice to see the sun shining in them too.

  4. What a lovely person who always smiles and brings happiness to those she meets.

  5. I agree, lovely photos and a lovely smile. Someone who smiles makes you feel good

  6. She does sound like a lovely person - to spread sunshine everywhere she goes.

  7. Thank you ladies. Your comments make me happy.

  8. Always wear your smile, then you are properly dressed :)

    Your neighbourhood looks beautiful, what lovely big houses. xxx
