Признавам си - много съм уморена. Освен това ме мъчи някаква алергия или настинка. Кихам непрекъснато, а колегата все ме поздравява с "Наздраве"!
- А, сипи, де! - казвам - Като е "Наздраве".
Добре, че моят талисман за това предизвикателство - Нина, няма умора. Непрекъснато ме подканя - "Хайде, хайде!" и "Аз ще съм готова! "
Това е предимството да имаш жив талисман!
I confess - I am very tired. Moreover torment me any allergies or colds. Sneeze constantly and colleague still greets me with "Cheers!"*
- And where is my drink? - I ask him - To say "Cheers"!
Well that my mascot for this challenge - Nina, no fatigue. Constantly urged me - "Come on!" and "I'm ready!"
- And where is my drink? - I ask him - To say "Cheers"!
Well that my mascot for this challenge - Nina, no fatigue. Constantly urged me - "Come on!" and "I'm ready!"
This is the advantage of having a live mascot!
* We say "Nazdrave" - translated "Cheers!", but means "Bless you!"

Pretty Nina - part VII
С мустаци! / With a mustache!
Направихме една малка разходка. После Петър купи метли и ние отлетяхме!
We did a little walk. Then Peter buy brooms and we flew!

По нейна молба публикувам и тази наша снимка.
I publish this our picture at her request.
Lovely to see you today!!!! Great photos again.
ОтговорИзтриванеbeautiful pictures and lovely to see a picture of you. Hope you feel better soon.
ОтговорИзтриванеA big thank you to you and nina for sharing this last week with us! i really enjoyed reading what nina got up to! Maybe we will get a mascot meeting later in the year and she can come back and tell us what has been going on!
ОтговорИзтриванеGreat photos, especially the moustache one. So funny !!!!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you Nina for agreeing to be our one live mascot, it was great to meet you.
ОтговорИзтриванеHurrah for Nina. Please pass on my thanks, I have so enjoyed her photos and joining in :) I hope you both have a beautiful summer. Love Jen xxx
ОтговорИзтриванеYes, I love the moustache one too! A lovely, loving set of photos.
ОтговорИзтриванеNina it was great to see you this week and love the moustache!