Моята снимка
Sofia, Bulgaria; Just a woman in a Man's Man's World... Wife, mother of a 20+year-old boy -a young philosopher. Make cards sometimes and I was a proud DT member of IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.

сряда, 13 юни 2012 г.

Day 165: Earth tones / Земни тонове

Справка - земни тонове като бежаво, кафяво, бледо зелено, синьо, бледо оранжево или жълто
       Моята първоначална идея бе тази - да покажа Земята от птичи поглед, като използвам карти от Google. Изпълнението на задачата  - снимките не са точно това, което исках. Акцентът трябваше да са картите, а на компютъра!
     My first idea was this - to show the Earth from above, using maps from Google Earth. Task - the pictures are not exactly what I wanted. The focus should have the cards, not computers!

    Днес цъфнаха тези жълти цветя в нашата нова градинка. Всички колеги им се радваха. А аз ги снимах. Избрах тази снимка - какви по-земни тонове от тези!
  These yellow flowers today blossomed into our new garden. All colleagues enjoyed. And I photographed they. I chose this picture - what more earthy tones of these!

7 коментара:

  1. What a lovely set of photos and what a coincidence that we both used them today :D

    Beautiful flowers :) xxx

    1. Thank you for your attention and nice comment in my blog.
      Yes, we had the same thoughts. You did what I wanted, but I could not! Unbelievable! How did - "to take a snapshot on my laptop"?
      I pushed my head and be worried too much that the COPY and PASTE - not working! I was very exhausted, last night to watch another pictures and write ..
      Once again I salute you!
      Good luck!

    2. Ahh, I think I can help. I see I think that you are using Google Chrome. If you go to the Chrome Store, then Apps you can search for a free app called Awesome Screenshot, install it on your toolbar and then you can take a shot of either the whole page or a part of it! Hope that makes sense xxx

    3. Many thanks!
      Will try this tonight - on home computer / laptop /. Because I'm a business now - it has many restrictions / protection.

  2. Beautiful pictures Borqna.
    There is a key on our keyboard called Prt Sc (Print Screen) that allows to copy the screen. You must have such a Key too on your Keyboard, but I don't know how it is called. For us it is located at the right of the F Keys: F1, F2 ... Good luck in finding it.

    1. Many thanks, Anne!
      I tried, but with this PC does not become - it has many limitations. Will try at home.

  3. Great idea for the Google maps and such a pretty little flower.
