Today's word is
frayed / оръфан, протрито
Аз бих добавила и
Аз не обичам оръфани дънки. Днес, след като видях думата, отидох в едно шивашко ателие в нашия квартал. Там правят малки корекции на дрехи. Исках да снимам нещо оръфано. Събота е! Всичко вече беше подготвено за предаване! Моля за една снимка поне! Батерията на телефона ми падна. Това реши проблема! ЩЕ ТЪРСЯ НЕЩО НОВО!
I would add and
I do not like frayed jeans. Today, after I saw the word, I went to a tailor shop in our neighborhood. They make small adjustments to clothing. So I wanted to shoot something frayed. Saturday is! Everything was already prepared for delivery! I ask for a picture at least! The battery of my phone fell! This solve the problem! I'm looking for something new!
I do not like frayed jeans. Today, after I saw the word, I went to a tailor shop in our neighborhood. They make small adjustments to clothing. So I wanted to shoot something frayed. Saturday is! Everything was already prepared for delivery! I ask for a picture at least! The battery of my phone fell! This solve the problem! I'm looking for something new!
Един паметник - НЕОБИЧАН! Тава е паметникът „ХІІІ века България”, който е разположен в градинката пред Националния дворец на културата в София. Той е НЕОБИЧАН още от неговото създаване!
Днес - ОРЪФАН и готов за демонтаж!
A monument - unloved! This monument is "XIII Centuries of Bulgaria", which is located in the garden at the National Palace of Culture in Sofia. It is unloved since its creation!
Today - frayed and ready to dismantle!
Подлезът в градинката пред Националния дворец на културата изглеждаше така:
Subway in the garden at the National Palace of Culture looked like this:
Това е центъра! Оръфано - Предстои ремонт.
О, по-добре ми е на село! Ето едни снимки, които бяха за
Roadside / Kрай пътя /Аз не ги използвах тогава, защото исках да бъде публикацията да е тъжна./
This is the center! Frayed - There will be repaired.
A better is my village! Here are some photos that were for
A better is my village! Here are some photos that were for
/ I do not use them then because I wanted to be a publication to be sad /.
What a brilliant interpretation of frayed. I love your roadside photos as well.
ОтговорИзтриванеthe building certainly looks unloved
ОтговорИзтриванеFantastic Borqna, what a great shot :) xx
ОтговорИзтриванеYour interpretation of frayed is brilliant ! Great photos !
ОтговорИзтриванеI love the photos you've chosen- they do make the buildings look unloved.
ОтговорИзтриванеLove your photos, well done on frayed for that building a great idea xxx
ОтговорИзтриванеi love getting glimpses into your town and life in Sofia! a place i no doubt will never get to visit in person! your interpretation of frayed is very interesting.. i also love your roadside photos