16. Your favourite colour: What’s your favourite colour right now?
Вашият любим цвят: Кой е любимият ти цвят в момента?
Lucky Snapping in 2013
Nostalgia Challenge..
"Tell us about the music which
features in your memories..those songs which when they come on TV or the
radio we are transported back to a time and place in our lives.." KathiJo
Барбара Стрейзънд
Woman in love
Bee Gees
How Deep Is Your Love
Staying alive
Eagles - Hotel California
Precious Wilson (Eruption) - One way ticket (1979)
Рецитал на Прешъс Уилсън (Recital Precious Wilson (Eruption):
Даван за първи път по БТ1, събота, 1 ноември 1980 г., от 22:30-23:05
Recital of Precious Wilson (Recital Precious Wilson (Eruption):
Given for the first time Bulgarian TV, Saturday, Nov. 1, 1980, from 22:30 to 23:05
ooh had forgotten about woman in love, Bees Gees as well. So good. Love that dress as well, gorgeous. x
ОтговорИзтриванеI have just caught up with your entries, thank you so much, it is good to get a flavour of your country's music.. and I had forgotten how great Eagles were..and I love Barbar streisand too.. xx thanks Borqna x