15. Alone: Take a photo of alone. Perhaps it’s how you feel, what you’re doing, or a lone object sitting on it’s own.
Day 15: Alone |
Lucky Snapping in 2013Nostalgia Challenge.. Name that Tune!
"Tell us about the music which
features in your memories..those songs which when they come on TV or the
radio we are transported back to a time and place in our lives.." KathiJo
The song
" If two people walk a long way to go to ..
and if there aren't roads, they will not stop!
and if there aren't roads, they will not stop!
They will continue to run and be close to each other.
I cannot be alone. I don't wanna to be alone ..."
I cannot be alone. I don't wanna to be alone ..."
and the film
/A film that is emitted when I was a child, but it was forbidden for children. I only knew the song then./
„Козият рог" / 1971/ е български игрален филм, смятан от мнозина за едно от върховите постижения на българското кино.
"The Goat Horn" / 1971 / Bulgarian film is considered by many to be one of the highest achievements of Bulgarian cinema.
The View Challenge: April
Подаръците за Нина / The gifts for Nina
Love your layouts and the song. x
ОтговорИзтриванеThat's a beautiful song Borqna, love it.