18. Hello!: Use your imagination on this one. Is it how you greet someone? A sign? A look? Or something else?
Day 18 : Hello! That's me! |
В този град, от зорницата сгряна
на зорница приличаш и ти -
с толкоз българско име Боряна,
с толкоз български нежни черти.
Синя песен вземи от морето,
да люлееш със нея света.
Ален мак откъсни от полето,
да е изгрева с тебе на път.
Нека утрини в тебе изгряват,
нека птици криле ти даряват,
нека ручеи радват със звън
твоя сън, твоя сън, Боряна.
С толкоз българско име Боряна, You have such a Bulgarian name Boriana,
с толкоз български нежни черти, You have so many Bulgarian delicate features,
от зорница сияйна огряна, You're lit up by the morning star shining,
като нея красива си ти. and like her you're beautiful.
Нека утрини в тебе изгряват,
нека птици криле ти даряват,
нека ручеи радват със звън
твоя сън, твоя сън, Боряна.
3. "Боряно, борянке" / folk song-dance "horo"
Boriano, borianke just tell you're a young girl in the world?
Only you know you can sing?
Your voice is heard far away ..
19. Button: On your clothes, or a button you press to start/stop thing… or a belly button if you may!
Thank you.
Nostalgia Challenge..
" Излел е Дельо хайдутин" - полет в космоса
Space probes "Voyager" carries in the universe the song of Valya Balkanska - "Izlel Delio haydutin" - present 31years. The message is intended for alien civilizations. This is a golden disk with earthly sounds...
Валя Балканска - " Излел е Дельо хайдутин"/ Valya Balkanska - "Izlel Delio haydutin"
20. On your mind: What are you thinking about today?
Day 20 : On your mind - maybe a new song? |
Специално за предизвикателството на Кати - композитора Митко Щерев!
"Doomed Souls" / Osadeni Dushi/ is a Bulgarian film (a military drama) from 1975, written and directed by Valo Radev. Cinematography is Hristo Totev. Was created based on the novel "Doomed Souls" by Dimitar Dimov. The music of the film is composed by Mitko Shterev.
Осъдени Души (1975) - Целия Филм / The whole movie
Spain at the end of the Civil War.
Breaks out a love affair between the English noblewoman Fanny Horn and
monk of the Jesuits, Father Heredia ...
The song:monk of the Jesuits, Father Heredia ...
Impossible love.
A monk - an iron heart.
One woman - she denied herself.
On their way they condemned continue to walk.
The end of the film:
- What are you doing in this crucified Spain?
- I will wait for Last Judgement.
21. Fire: The fire element! A match? Candles on a cake? A fireplace? Be careful!
Nostalgia Challenge..
Thank you for sharing your life with us, I do find it very interesting. xx