1. Play: Take a photo of play. How do you like to have fun?
Сутринта на първия работен ден с новото лятно часово време се оказа трудна. Видях си автобуса отблизо - т.е. - Изпуснах го!
Докато дойда на работа колегите ми вече бяха изиграли няколко игри на компютъра. Този надпис ме посрещна и аз се зарадвах, че имам своя кадър за деня.
Искам да добавя, че има добри хора, които са се погрижили да не се разсейвам много и са изтрили всички игри от моя компютър. Не, че някога съм играла, но те са решили явно, че просто няма да имам време за такива развлечения.
The morning of the first day with the new daylight saving time was difficult - I was late for the bus.
When I arrived at work, a colleague of mine already had this screen on your computer. I'm glad - I had my picture of the day! / Good people are taken care of and deleted all games in my PC. They don't know that I haven't interest in computer games! /
2. Blue: This is our charity prompt for Autism Awareness. Shoot something blue.
Lucky Snapping in 2013:
The View Challenge: April
April brings the primrose sweet,
scatters daisies at our feet.
Април носи красиви иглики,
разпилява маргаритки в краката ни.
Прекрасни теменужки / Lovely violets
И тръните - / And the thorns -
Небето е фантастично. / The sky is fantastic.разпилява маргаритки в краката ни.
Прекрасни теменужки / Lovely violets
И тръните - / And the thorns -
Lunch in "Kenar" / Bulgarian fast food chain /
Улицата, на която.. / The street on which ..
I hope you will get better very soon! The photos are awesome and the clouds in your view photo are so dramatic - excellent photo! All the best!
ОтговорИзтриванеI am glad to hear you are feeling a little better Borqna, sorry to hear you have been poorly, it's horrid isn't it.
ОтговорИзтриванеI love your photos as always and thanks so much for joining in the challenge. I love seeing your thorns and well done for showing us your flowers :) xxx
Those are lovely blue skies.
ОтговорИзтриванеpleased you are feeling better, great photos and I know what you mean about the clock change- we were late up too this morning.
ОтговорИзтриванеБързо оздравяване!
ОтговорИзтриванеI hope you get well soon. I love your photos especially the violets
ОтговорИзтриванеFeel better soon. As usual, I love your photos.
ОтговорИзтриванеGet better soon, love your photos and the way you interpret each prompt. xx