7. Dreamy: To me dreamy is all about light and putting a filter over a photo that makes it a little whimsical. What does dreamy mean to you? Is it a place you like to escape to? Something you hope for?
Dreamy summer vacation in Greece

8. On your plate: You could take this one literally: what’s on your plate for lunch etc? Or what you have on your to-do list right now…
Lucky Snapping in 2013:
"So here we are in April and I think it's colder than it was in winter . . .After our Laugh week in March, we now go back to something more serious, as our word is
vulnerable "
УЯЗВИМЕто тези цветчета са уязвими поради студеното време.
Какво правя аз, когата се чувствам уязвима?
Here are these flowers are vulnerable because of the cold weather.
What I do when I feel vulnerable?
First - shopping!
Always buy something - for good mood.
OOOhh ! That's a good one, Borqna.I wonder why I didn't think about that one too ! xx
ОтговорИзтриванеI too like 'retail therapy'.... that is what we call shopping to feel good in UK!! Forgot that one to make you feel better :)
ОтговорИзтриванеI also forgot that one. I often buy crafty stuff instead of clothes
ОтговорИзтриванеNice post but I am one those people who do not like to shop. (:
ОтговорИзтриванеLovely top.x