Моята снимка
Sofia, Bulgaria; Just a woman in a Man's Man's World... Wife, mother of a 20+year-old boy -a young philosopher. Make cards sometimes and I was a proud DT member of IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.

понеделник, 8 април 2013 г.

Days 7-8 & Lucky Snapping in 2013

Photo a day
7. Dreamy: To me dreamy is all about light and putting a filter over a photo that makes it a little whimsical. What does dreamy mean to you? Is it a place you like to escape to? Something you hope for?
Dreamy summer vacation in Greece
MY SHOP....is OPEN  :-)
8. On your plate: You could take this one literally: what’s on your plate for lunch etc? Or what you have on your to-do list right now…


Lucky Snapping in 2013: 

"So here we are in April and I think it's colder than it was in winter . . .After our Laugh week in March, we now go back to something more serious, as our word is

Ето тези цветчета са уязвими поради студеното време.
Какво правя аз, когата се чувствам уязвима?

Here are these flowers are vulnerable because of the cold weather.
What I do when I feel vulnerable?
First - shopping!

Always buy something - for good mood.

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