4. Hope: Oh, a hard one. How would you photograph hope? Is it something you wish for? Someone who gives you hope? A quote that brings hope to your life?
Правилният начин. Верният път? The right way. Is it the right way?
Надявам се. I hope so.
Day 4: Hope |
Lucky Snapping in 2013
The View Challenge: February
Моите трънаци през февруари
My thorns in February
Признавам, че идеята ми да снимам тези тръни не е от най-добрите! Освен, че са скучни - като изглед, аз трябва да снимам и СРЕЩУ слънцето!My thorns in February
I admit that my idea to photograph these thorns is not of best! In addition, they are boring - like the view, I have to shoot against the sun!
Нина - също през февруари
Nina - also in February
Това малко на портретна снимка стана, но тя я хареса и със сигурност ще използваме нея за проекта. Чакаме само схемата - скеча.Nina - also in February
This photo happened a portrait, but Nina liked it and surely we will use it for my project. We just wait for the scheme - sketch. This will be a gift for Nina.
February brings the rain,
thaws the frozen lake again.
С малко въображение... замръзнало езеро!
With a little imagination ... frozen lake!
February brings the rain,
thaws the frozen lake again.
With a little imagination ... frozen lake!
I already ordered the photos in photo house. Can not wait for the sketch, Jennie!
Get Well soon as possible!
Get Well soon as possible!
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Yet another great set of images, lovely portrait of Nina, I am sure she will be pleased with it. Good frozen lake, more than I can offer. :) x
ОтговорИзтриванеYou have the same problems with your view and the sun that I have myself ! Great portrait of Nina, she is so pretty. Take care, xxx
ОтговорИзтриванеlovely picture of nina, great photos.
ОтговорИзтриванеGreat portrait of Nina and our frozen puddle (lake) made me laugh.
ОтговорИзтриванеA great take on the word Hope. I agree lovely photo of Nina
ОтговорИзтриванеThe pictures are great! It is such a great idea to take photos of Nina outside. I don't find your thorn view boring - perhaps it is boring just now but later on it will change.
ОтговорИзтриванеGreat photos. I agree with Kristina. I like the photos of the thorn bushes. Nina is very pretty!
ОтговорИзтриванеKind regards from Jen. She doesn't feel too good but will be back on her feet soon ! xxx
ОтговорИзтриванеHi Borqna, so sorry to be out of action, I have learned my lesson, they will all be prepped in advance for next month in case of problems like I have had this week. The sketch is being prepared this evening and I will post up tomorrow.
ОтговорИзтриванеI love the thorns and I love the frozen lake, well done and thanks so much for joining in my challenge. xxx