27. Playing: How do you have fun? Capture play in your life.
Прекрасната Шантал иска да знае как се забавляваме, какви игри играем.
Аз игри не играя. Играя роля на домакиня, на майка, на съпруга, колежка - все скучни неща.
Моето предложение е това - " Светът на танковете". Една игра, която е на мода у нас сега. Играе я и мъжа ми, и сина ми. И ако един ден и аз се запаля да играя компютърни игри - ще видим кой какви роли ще заиграе тогава!
My suggestion is this - "World of Tanks". A game that is fashionable home now. It is a favorite of my husband and my son. I don't play games.
28. Upside down: Take a photo of something upside down. Should be fun!
28. Upside down: Take a photo of something upside down. Should be fun!
How to shoot a country upside down? It is better child.
From the archives 2012 -
...мартеницата, която ми направи детето:
The martenitsa ... that my child did for me.
When I asked my husband:
- Did you see the martenitsa that Vlad do for me? He told me that there is one for you! - He replied:
- Yes, the white part is for me!
Many laughed! Penda for mom, for dad - Pizho! Economy - economy, the work of everyone! Perhaps in his eyes we are like two parts of a whole ... Martenitsa. The family.
"Баба Марта" е уникален български обичай. На 1 март всеки подарява на своите близки мартеница
/ бели и червени усукани конци/ и пожелава здраве и щастие с думите:
Човек носи мартеницата докато види щъркел.лястовица. Тогава той я сваля и я връзва на цъфнало плодно дърво.
"Baba Marta" is a unique Bulgarian tradition. On March 1 each gave his friends and relatives Martenitsa / Red and white twisted threads / and wished health and happiness, saying:
"Chestita Baba Marta".
One brings that Martenitsa until he sees a stork or swallow.
Another discovery for
Lucky Snapping in 2013:***
From the archives 2012 -
...мартеницата, която ми направи детето:
The martenitsa ... that my child did for me.
When I asked my husband:
- Did you see the martenitsa that Vlad do for me? He told me that there is one for you! - He replied:
- Yes, the white part is for me!
Many laughed! Penda for mom, for dad - Pizho! Economy - economy, the work of everyone! Perhaps in his eyes we are like two parts of a whole ... Martenitsa. The family.
"Баба Марта" е уникален български обичай. На 1 март всеки подарява на своите близки мартеница
/ бели и червени усукани конци/ и пожелава здраве и щастие с думите:
Човек носи мартеницата докато види щъркел.лястовица. Тогава той я сваля и я връзва на цъфнало плодно дърво.
"Baba Marta" is a unique Bulgarian tradition. On March 1 each gave his friends and relatives Martenitsa / Red and white twisted threads / and wished health and happiness, saying:
"Chestita Baba Marta".
One brings that Martenitsa until he sees a stork or swallow.
NEW from today!
The martenitsсi that Vlad did for us!
This is for me - Penda This is for his father - Pizho
The streets are filled with stalls with martenitsi.
All day people buy for tomorrow March 1.
Another discovery for