Моята снимка
Sofia, Bulgaria; Just a woman in a Man's Man's World... Wife, mother of a 20+year-old boy -a young philosopher. Make cards sometimes and I was a proud DT member of IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.

понеделник, 16 юли 2012 г.

Day 198 : Hero / Герой

Въпреки всички превратности – можеш!
Можеш до край да останеш такъв:
с твоя характер до болка тревожен,
с твоята ясна и яростна кръв.
Нека бушуват насрещни вихрушки,
нека пропуква небесния свод.
Нека гиганти от грозни градушки
в кал да превърнат обилния плод.
Всичко се случва. Природата има
свои прекрасни и страшни права.
Няма в живота ни пролет без зима,
няма под камъка свежа трева.
Гледай как пада орелът столетен:
там от високия сетен предел,
пада без песен, без подвиг заветен,
но и в смъртта си остава орел.
В този живот бързолетен и сложен,
в този тревожен, космически век –
въпреки всички превратности – можеш!
Можеш докрай да останеш човек!
Матей Шопкин
" ...Watch how the centuries age Eagle fell :
there from one more high-margin,
fall without song, without deed covenant,
but in his death remains an eagle.
In this life fast and complex
this concern, space century -
despite all the ups and downs - you can!
You can stay up
Matthew Shopkin

Подкрепете местния шериф - нашият герой! / Support the local sheriff - our hero!

6 коментара:

  1. you seem to have a superhero in training there :)
    most mothers over here would have fits if their little darlings liked guns :D

    1. Thank you! I can not leave comments on your blog!
      17.06.2012 - I like your office - Smile. Really talk about how busy can be a housewife. The second picture is a drawing - I guess. That you have not written anything also suggests that you are very busy!
      For rain - Oh, do change! Sending you sun and warmth.
      / My husband dreamed that we go to sea in August - and there is snow! /
      Have a nice day! And write!

  2. Thank you ladies!
    Now, when no regular military service, we try to teach boys to be responsible - to keep and protect. As a little girl is educated for a beautiful young lady.
    I hope - as a mother, one day I can be proud of my son.
    Now I just tell him - you can!
