16. 9 o’clock: What are you doing at 9am or 9pm today. Share it with us.
17. Green: It’s St Patrick’s Day – find something green.
18. Shoes: {charity prompt} Take a photo of yours or somebody’s else.
19. A sign: We pass by them everyday: street signs, shop signs, signs in our homes – what’s the most interesting one you come across today?
Lucky Snapping in 2013: LAUGH
End of the Laugh week
Ами сега! Това е грешка.
Lucky Snapping in 2013 : Nostalgia Challenge: 5 things!
Тази седмица Кати ни предизвиква с темата "5 неща, които не знаете за мен". Това е много интересно. Прекрасно е, че няма задължителни правила, които да те стиснат за гърлото! Става дума за неща, които просто желаете и бихте искали да споделите.
Когато започнах този блог прочетох някъде, че блогът не е място за лични бележки и неща от живота. Дълго време спазвах това, докато не попаднах на вашите блогове - скъпи дами. Аз научих и продължавам да уча от вас много неща - Вие сте моят университет на живота! Благодаря ви.
Преди около 10 години бях на концерт на една българска рок-група в нашето читалище. Познавах бегло музикантите. Един от тях от тях бе мой колега от веригата магазини, където работех преди време. Той отговаряше за рекламната дейност на магазина, а през свободното си време - свиреше.
Та стоя си аз кротко настрана и чакам да почне концерта. Към мен се приближи млада жена и без да се представи ме атакува с въпроса:
- Защо вие не обичате да ходите на море?
- Моля? - аз съм изненадана и объркана. Тя повтори въпроса.
- Как? Аз много обичам да ходя на море! Но.. защо, .. кой ..
- А защо вашият мъж казва, че вие не обичате да ходите на море..
- Аз много обичам да ходя на море! - прекъсвам я - Винаги ходя! Когато имам възможност, разбира се! Не разбирам..
Обаче тя е упорита и продължава да настоява:
- Защо вашият мъж казва, че вие не обичате да ходите на море..
- Обичам!
- Защо вашият мъж казва, че вие не обичате да ходите на море и той е принуден да ходи сам и да си търси компания!
- Моля? Кой ви каза това?
- Да? .. ?
- Чакайте, чакайте! Има някаква грешка!
- Няма!
- Аз много обичам да ходя на море! Винаги ходим заедно!
- А защо той казва.. - тук за момент тя се обърка. По тона й го разбрах. Веднага атакувах:
- Вие, откъде познавате мъжа ми?
- Ха, сега! - каза тя, врътна се и се смеси с тълпата.
Боже, какво ми дойде до главата! В този момент виждам жената на барабаниста - единствената, която познавах и отидох при нея:
- Тук има една жена, говори ми разни странни неща. Какво да правя?
- Коя е?
Отговарям, че не знам, след минутка я виждам и посочвам.
- А-ха, какво ти каза?
Разказвам накратко.
- Я, ела с мен! - казва моята позната и отиваме при въпросната дама.
- Искам да те запозная - обръща се тя към нея.
- А, ние вече се запознахме.
- Не, не сме! - намесвам се аз, защото вече леко започва да ми кипи отвътре.
- Ние вече се запознахме и се разбрахме!
- Каквооо???
- Виж сега - казва моята позната - Това не е жената на Д. , това е приятелка на Ж.
- Не съм му приятелка!
Те и двете ме гледат въпросително. Чакат отговор.
- Колежка съм му!
- Да бе! - в един глас.
А сега разправяй, че не си камила.
Следващия път, когато свиреха , моя милост организира една масивна група колеги - приятели от магазина!
Разказах това защото:
N1 - нещо, което не знаете за мен
Много по-лесно се разбирам и работя с мъжете, отколкото с жените.
This week Kathy challenges us with the theme "5 things you don't know for me." This is very interesting. It's great that there aren't mandatory rules to shake us by the throat! These are things that you just want and would like to share.
When I started this blog I read somewhere that a blog isn't the place for personal notes and things in life. Complied that for a long time until I came across your blogs - dear ladies. I have learned and continue to learn much from you - you're my University on life! Thank you.
About 10 years ago I was at a concert of a Bulgarian rock band in our Cultural Center. I knew barely the musicians. One of them was my colleague from supply chain stores where I worked previously. He was responsible for advertising activity of the store, and in his spare time - playing the guitar.
So I stand quietly aside and wait for the show to begin. A young woman came up to me and attacked me with the question:
- Why you don't like to go to sea?
- What? - I'm surprised and confused. She repeated the question.
- How? I really love to go to sea! But .. why .. what ..
She stubbornly continues to insist:
- Why does your husband says that you don't like to go to sea ..
- I like!
- Why does your husband says that you don't like to go to sea and he was forced to walk alone. And he shall needs a company!
- What? Who told you that? ... - From where you know my husband?
- Ha-ha, now! - she said, turning his back and disappeared into the crowd.
God, what came to my head! At this moment I see the drummer's wife - the only woman I knew and went to her:
- There's a woman who talk me funny things. What do I do?
- Who is she?
I reply that I don't know, in a minute I see her and pointed.
- Yes, what she said to you?
I briefly told.
- Oh, come with me! - says my friend and went to the lady in question.
- I want to meet you ..
- And we have already met!
- No, we're not! - I say angrily.
- We have already met and we agreed!
- What???
- Look - says my friend - This is not the wife of D., she is a girlfriend G.
- I'm not his girlfriend!
They both look at me questioningly. They wait for my answer.
- I was his colleague!
-No dumb jokes! - they with one voice.
Now how can I say that I am not a camel.
The next time that they played, Myself organize a massive group of colleagues - friends of the store!
I told this because:
N1 - something you don't know about me
Much easier to understand and work with men than with women.

1974 Nessebar
This week Kathy challenges us with the theme "5 things you don't know for me." This is very interesting. It's great that there aren't mandatory rules to shake us by the throat! These are things that you just want and would like to share.
When I started this blog I read somewhere that a blog isn't the place for personal notes and things in life. Complied that for a long time until I came across your blogs - dear ladies. I have learned and continue to learn much from you - you're my University on life! Thank you.
About 10 years ago I was at a concert of a Bulgarian rock band in our Cultural Center. I knew barely the musicians. One of them was my colleague from supply chain stores where I worked previously. He was responsible for advertising activity of the store, and in his spare time - playing the guitar.
So I stand quietly aside and wait for the show to begin. A young woman came up to me and attacked me with the question:
- Why you don't like to go to sea?
- What? - I'm surprised and confused. She repeated the question.
- How? I really love to go to sea! But .. why .. what ..
She stubbornly continues to insist:
- Why does your husband says that you don't like to go to sea ..
- I like!
- Why does your husband says that you don't like to go to sea and he was forced to walk alone. And he shall needs a company!
- What? Who told you that? ... - From where you know my husband?
- Ha-ha, now! - she said, turning his back and disappeared into the crowd.
God, what came to my head! At this moment I see the drummer's wife - the only woman I knew and went to her:
- There's a woman who talk me funny things. What do I do?
- Who is she?
I reply that I don't know, in a minute I see her and pointed.
- Yes, what she said to you?
I briefly told.
- Oh, come with me! - says my friend and went to the lady in question.
- I want to meet you ..
- And we have already met!
- No, we're not! - I say angrily.
- We have already met and we agreed!
- What???
- Look - says my friend - This is not the wife of D., she is a girlfriend G.
- I'm not his girlfriend!
They both look at me questioningly. They wait for my answer.
- I was his colleague!
-No dumb jokes! - they with one voice.
Now how can I say that I am not a camel.
The next time that they played, Myself organize a massive group of colleagues - friends of the store!
I told this because:
N1 - something you don't know about me
Much easier to understand and work with men than with women.
1974 Nessebar |
What an interesting story Borqna. You must have been very confused.
ОтговорИзтриванеDid they ever believe you? Thank you for sharing. I love your pictures.
ОтговорИзтриванеWhat a confusion! Great photos as well as usual. xxx
ОтговорИзтриванеOh Borqna I so agree with you much easier with men. I have spent most of my working life in a male dominated envirnoment, so much easier!!! xx
ОтговорИзтриванеGreat Story, love the photo ! xx
ОтговорИзтриванеWhat a great story! look foward to 4 more this week!!
ОтговорИзтриванеHi Borqna,so glad you enjoy the challenge of wwek 4with memories and shared stories. I am late looking in but wanted to say thank you xx