14. Tasty: This is the perfect excuse to eat something particularly delicious today, right?
Прошка / for forgiveness
Една моя колежка ни изненада приятно днес с обяд в офиса - за прошка между колегите. Страхотна идея и страхотен жест!
One of my colleagues surprised us today with a lunch in the office - for forgiveness among colleagues. Great idea and a great gesture!
Day 14 : Tasty |
This is a special ritual lunch - without meat! Here must attend eggs, cheese and white halva / nougat / !
Вчера бях на гости на майка ми. / Ето един изглед от балкона на хола./ Тя имаше и друга гостенка - това младо момиче. Получи се чудесно дамско матине - приказвахме си и се посмяхме.
Тук тази девойка ми показва вълшебен сироп за отслабване. От всичките снимки, които й направих със сиропа в ръка- тази единствена е сполучлива! Мацката непрекъснато се смееше и всичко ставаше размазано.
Yesterday I was visiting my mother. / Here's a view from the balcony of the living room. / She had another visitor - this young girl. It became a great lady matinee - we talked and laughed.
Here the girl shows us a magic slimming syrup. Of all the pictures that I did her with the syrup in hand-only this one is successful! She is constantly laughing and everything became blurry.
Имах идея тук да добавя други смешни клипове, но предвид по-горната тема ще се въздържа днес - оставям ги за утре..
I had an idea to add here other funny videosbut considering the previous topic I will refrain now - I let them for tomorrow ..
I had an idea to add here other funny videosbut considering the previous topic I will refrain now - I let them for tomorrow ..
Really loved the video Borqna. I don't know if I could have been as patient as this lady becasue I really enjoy icecreams !!! xxx
ОтговорИзтриванеthe food looks good!
ОтговорИзтриванеYum what a great spread
ОтговорИзтриванеLooks like a wonderful lunch, great view. xx
ОтговорИзтриванеWhat a lovely idea and a great lunch. I think you must have enjoyed it.