Моята снимка
Sofia, Bulgaria; Just a woman in a Man's Man's World... Wife, mother of a 20+year-old boy -a young philosopher. Make cards sometimes and I was a proud DT member of IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.

събота, 22 септември 2012 г.

Day 266 : A random item / Cлучаен елемент

Хотел "Централ"

Както сте разбрали вече - тези снимки не са мои. Случайният елемент е този зелен венец  - нали в обикновения живот ние не носим такива неща. Пистолетът се явява също друг такъв елемент - за ...
овикновените хора.

As you have already understood - these pictures are not mine. The random element is the green wreath - in our ordinary life we do not take such things. The gun appears to be same one random item - for ordinary people.
CANDY - Who is this girl?
Кое е това момиче със зеления венец на главата?
Моля, оставете коментар с вашия отговор.
Първите пет човека, които отговорят правилно, ще получат подарък от мен.
Уловката е в срока - офертата важи 48 часа! Край понеделник 24.09.2012 / 23.30часа
Who is this girl with the green wreath on her head?
Please leave a comment with your answer.
The first five people who answer correctly will receive a gift from me.
But the trick is the term - Offer valid 48 hours!
End Monday, 09.
24.2012 / 11:30 p.m.
На случаен принцип ще избера един от вас, който също ще получи подарък. Все пак този месец аз имах рожден ден, а не ви почерпих... Правя това сега.
Randomly, I'll pick one of you, who also will receive a gift. However, this month I had a birthday .. My treat with the candy right now.

Отбелязваме 104 години Независима България
Celebrating 104 years Bulgaria Independent


Нежно и романтично отново. Панделката и иглата са зашити. Случайният елемент е паричката.

12 коментара:

  1. Borqna, I have no idea who she is but she is lovely.

  2. fabulous layout and story. Thank you for sharing this with us at Delicious Doodles "use metal" challenge

  3. OK I haven't a clue but will guess and say..... you on your wedding day? Not an ordinary day!!
    Lovely LO xxx

  4. Oh dear Lynn! After your comment and I have difficulties to the task ...
    Come on ladies and gentlemen - think and look around! Who is this girl? Not who is the day!
    It is easy!

  5. hello my lovely friend!! i wish you hade a nice weekend?!
    hihi, that's me :D i'm looking forward to my gift ;)
    thanks for your beautiful comments at my blog, you always make me a happy "girl"!! :)
    i dont know whats happend to my blog, one day 2 weeks ago did all pictures dissapere, and it all turnd black. but now, i'm back and i hope the problem is gone now.
    hope you still will be my follower.
    lots of hugs, your friend, tess.

  6. Толкова много неща има в тази картичка, и посланията говорят сами за себе си!Благодаря ти ,че я включи в нашето Забавлятелство

  7. Wonderful layout. I'm sorry I do not know who the beautiful girl is with the wreath but I do know it's a "romantic story".

    Thanks for joining us at Delicious Doodles. hugs,xx

    1. Dear Pat, thanks for the comment.
      Here are photos from three films - "Romantic story", "Hotel Central" and "In the name of the people." Irene Krivoshieva is artiste.
      And the girl with a green wreath
      much like the her, right?

  8. Скъпи приятели,
    благодаря ви за проявения интерес.
    Отговор на загадката, както и какво се случи после - може да научите от тук:

    Dear friends, thank you for your interest. Answer the mystery, and what happened next - you can find it here:

