Толкова търсих днес - изпотроших си краката - да обикалям! Очите ме заболяха - да търся, да търся, а те били пред мен! Ромео и Жулиета!
Това е снимката!
Искам да мога да остарея с теб и да те държа за ръка! Така!! Да се разхождаме по "Ивац войвода".
Петите ми ще са напукани, а твоите панталони - ръчно-подгънати. Ще бъдем заедно!
Ромео и Жулиета в края на есента.
I looked so much today - my legs broke in pieces - to go around! My eyes hurt - looking, looking, and they were in front of me! Romeo and Juliet!
This is the picture!
I want to grow old with you and hold your hand! So! To walk the "Voivoda Ivats" street.
My fifth will be cracked, and your pants - hand-folded. We'll be together!
Romeo and Juliet at the end of autumn.
Помните ли Нина?
Вижте сега кого крие тя в нейния шкаф! Познахте го, нали?
Remember Nina?
Look who she hides in her drawer! You guessed him, right?
Look who she hides in her drawer! You guessed him, right?
Това са снимки от Синеморец. / These are pictures from Sinemorets.
great photos again, the older couple are great- thats all we can wish for, someone to hold our hands.
ОтговорИзтриванеI love the older couple photo too.
ОтговорИзтриванеNina has a great taste !!!
Great photos I love them all. I hope Roland and I will still be holding hands when I get to that age.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you ladies for your good comments! I am very glad of this challenge!