Ане писа вече:
"Днес е 11. септември. Всеки може да си спомни къде сте били, когато се е случило."
As Anne wrote already:
Today is 9/11. It is said everybody can remember where they were when it happened.
Мога много да говора за косата. Много съм чувствителна на тази тема.
Аз няма да забравя филма "Коса" на Милош Форман.
I can talk much about hair. I am very sensitive to this issue.
I will never forget the movie "Hair" by Milos Forman.
И когато видях тези момчета, които седяха на оградата на Военна Академия, реших, че това са моите герои на деня. Страхотна коса. I can talk much about hair. I am very sensitive to this issue.
I will never forget the movie "Hair" by Milos Forman.
And when I saw these guys sitting on the fence of the Defence Academy, I decided that these are my heroes of the day. Great hair.
Много интелигентни млади хора. Те ми казаха, че учат в Американския колеж в София.
Many very intelligent young people. They told me that studying in ACS.
Колко дълга коса аз имах като ученичка, може да видите тук
How long hair I had as a schoolgirl, you can see here.
Синята коса на Кармен - куклата, която ми подариха моите любими съпруг и син.
The blue hair of Carmen - the doll who gave me my loved husband and son.
Ти не си котка! Ти си геврек! / You're not a cat! You're a pretzel!
He has great hair, and yours is just wow, so long and luxuriant xxx
ОтговорИзтриванеyour hair was long!
ОтговорИзтриванеYou did indeed have long hair xx
ОтговорИзтриванеLovely pictures of hair.
ОтговорИзтриванеYou had such long hair, longer than mine and beautiful ! Thank you for your kind comments on my blog, you are too kind. Yes I wish I could speak bulgarian !!! Love your pretzel cat !!!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you for your comments, you're so great !
ОтговорИзтриванеOh when i see the image of the cat, i think of my cat Felix, he was the same :-) I miss him !
Have a nice week-end !