5. Environment: Today is World Environment Day, take a photo of your environment. This is our charity prompt for the month.
В далечината Витоша, а пред нея - целият град!
Страхотно небе!
In the distance the Vitosha mountain, in front of it - the whole city!
Great sky!
Моята околна среда? Планини, долини, пътища и намесата на човека - ново строителство.
My environment? Mountains, valleys, roads and human intervention - new construction.
6. Transport: Be it a car, bike, skateboard, plane or another mode… capture transport.
Lucky Snapping in 2013
The View Challenge: June
София - поглед към планината Витоша / Sofia - Vitosha mountain view
и поглед към центъра на града. В далечината е Балканът.
and views of the city center. In the distance is the Balkan.
... в близък план - в ляво - телевизионната кула; в дясно - зад най-високата сграда (Парк хотел "Москва") - се виждат кубетата на Храм паметника "Александър Невски".
... close-up - on the left - the TV tower; the right - behind the tallest building (Park Hotel "Moscow") - are seen domes of the monument "Alexander Nevsky."
The view photos are really awesome - I love all those clouds. It looks like you have similar weather as in our country. Love Kristina
ОтговорИзтриванеWow, those views are amazing :) You have reminded me to get the kitchen window and neighbourhood photos blogged! Thank you :) xxx
ОтговорИзтриванеYour countryside views could have been taken in the South of France. Very beautiful and your skies were gorgeous too. xxx
ОтговорИзтриванеhi friend!! i love your photos, as always, and what a view you have, amazing! wish you a lovely day. hugs, tess.