16. Family: It’s Father’s Day in some parts of the world, so share a photo of your family.
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21 March 2010 |
В памет на моя свекър
Това е неговият 74 рожден ден. Той ни покани на обяд в китайски ресторант. Всичко беше много хубаво. След като се нахрани, Влади игра игри на моя телефон. Поисках да направя тази снимка - както виждате - в последния момент той се скри. Батерията на телефона ми падна. Ядосах се, защото не можех да снимам повече.
Снимката, на която сме тримата, е дело на сестрата на мъжа ми - тук сме след партито.
Това са и единствените две снимки от този ден, от това тържество.
Кой да знае, че една година по-късно - точно на своя 75 юбилей - татко отново ще ни събере - този път, за да си вземем сбогом и да го изпратим във вечния му път.
In memory of my father-in-law
This is his 74th birthday. He invited us to lunch at a Chinese restaurant. Everything was very nice. Vlady played games on my phone. I wanted to take this picture - as you see - at the last moment he disappeared. The battery of my phone fell. I was angry because I could not take pictures more.
The first picture was made by my sestrav law - here we are after the party.
Those are the only two photos from this day, from this party.
Who knew that a year later - just of his 75 anniversary - Dad will invite us again - this time to get a goodbye and send him on his eternal journey.
William Shakespeare
СонетиПревод от английски: Владимир Свинтила, 197213
Добре, бъди това, което си.
Ще бъдеш ти, додето дишаш тук.
Но щом смъртта и тебе покоси,
дано за теб ни спомня някой друг.
Ти имаш в заем тая красота,
но с тебе тя не се ли прекрати,
ти пак ще бъдеш, въпреки смъртта,
под друг прекрасен лик отново ти.
Кой би осъдил своя дом на мрак
и на студени зимни нощи, щом
би могъл да възобнови чрез брак
осъдения на разруха дом?
Синът ти нека каже някой ден:
„Баща ми ли? Той днес живее в мен“.
O, that you were yourself! but, love, you are
No longer yours than you yourself here live:
Against this coming end you should prepare,
And your sweet semblance to some other give.
So should that beauty which you hold in lease
Find no determination: then you were
Yourself again after yourself's decease,
When your sweet issue your sweet form should bear.
Who lets so fair a house fall to decay,
Which husbandry in honour might uphold
Against the stormy gusts of winter's day
And barren rage of death's eternal cold?
O, none but unthrifts! Dear my love, you know
You had a father: let your son say so.
No longer yours than you yourself here live:
Against this coming end you should prepare,
And your sweet semblance to some other give.
So should that beauty which you hold in lease
Find no determination: then you were
Yourself again after yourself's decease,
When your sweet issue your sweet form should bear.
Who lets so fair a house fall to decay,
Which husbandry in honour might uphold
Against the stormy gusts of winter's day
And barren rage of death's eternal cold?
O, none but unthrifts! Dear my love, you know
You had a father: let your son say so.
Lucky Snapping in 2013
Let's reflect - June
Още снимки от " Деня на бащата" / More pictures from "Father's Day"
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Anne's Week - I relax while I was cooking, watching TV, trying out new pictures or browsing through old photos. My mind relaxes.
Седмицата на Анне - релаксирах докато готвех, гледах телевизия, правех нови снимки или разглеждах стари снимки. Моят ум релаксираше.
Anne's Week - I relax while I was cooking, watching TV, trying out new pictures or browsing through old photos. My mind relaxes.
What a beautiful family photo Borqna. I think it's the first time we see you 3 together so clearly and happy. It was father's day here too and on the same day also in France for my dad.
ОтговорИзтриванеTake care, xxx
Bless you for showing us your family in happy times xxxx