24. Stripes: Look for stripes in your everyday. They could be in the zebra crossing on the road, or in your outfit or somewhere else.
Райета в нашето ежедневие
Day: 24 Stripes |
Пейзаж / без хора/
Day25: Landscape |
January Week 4: A Quotation
“There are 3 things that a child can teach an adult
To be happy for no reason
To be always be busy doing something
And to know how to demand –
with all one’s might- what one wants”
~ Paulo Coelho
Палачинки / Pancakes |
Казват, че ако от гледане може да се учи - кучето щяло да стане месар! Но, аз наистина така се научих. Един ден моята свекърва правеше палачинки, а аз я гледах. Само станах и разбърках с лъжицата/ черпака/ тестото - за да проверя, да усетя неговата плътност - като гъста боза е. Това ми беше достатъчно.
Хората правят палачинки за закуска. Хапват ги със сладко или с шоколад. Ние ги предпочитаме за вечеря и то със сирене!
Лин ни пита, дали се стремим с всички сили да постигнем, онова, което искаме, така както нашите деца се стремят в игрите си!
Аз се стремя със всички сили да направя от детето си достоен човек. Ние всеки ден се учим един от друг. Освен това, нашият живот е ежедневна борба. Ходенето на работа е борба. И аз се стремя със всички сили да оцелявам.
Tonight I studied my son how to make pancakes. I told him how I learned to do them.
One day my mother in law made pancakes and I watched this. Only I checked density of the dough. That was enough.
People make pancakes for breakfast. They eat them with jam or chocolate. We prefer them for dinner and served with cheese!
Lynne asks us - Are you good at demanding what you want like children do?
I try with all my strength to make my child one worthy person. We learn every day from each other. In addition, our daily life is fight. Going to work is a battle. And I try with all my strength to survive.
People make pancakes for breakfast. They eat them with jam or chocolate. We prefer them for dinner and served with cheese!
Lynne asks us - Are you good at demanding what you want like children do?
I try with all my strength to make my child one worthy person. We learn every day from each other. In addition, our daily life is fight. Going to work is a battle. And I try with all my strength to survive.
Well done Borqna. Yes I also believe that children should be a good citizen, and I am sure you are doing a good job.
ОтговорИзтриванеI love pancakes I make them with buckwheat.
ОтговорИзтриванеWe eat pancakes for breakfast. My husband makes them and puts vanilla and cinnamon in them. We eat them with maple syrup. Yours look very yummy! Nice pictures!
ОтговорИзтриванеOh pancakes ! When I visit my father in law he always makes me pancakes as he knows I adore them. Yours look delicious. All your snow is gone ? xx
ОтговорИзтриванеThe pancakes look great, how delicious.
ОтговорИзтриванеgreat photo of the trees and tyre tracks- yum at the pancakes, i love pancakes- with golden syrup and orange :)
ОтговорИзтриванеLove the stripes, very imaginative as always Borqna :)
ОтговорИзтриванеI admire your thoughts on strength, excellent. xxx