Моята снимка
Sofia, Bulgaria; Just a woman in a Man's Man's World... Wife, mother of a 20+year-old boy -a young philosopher. Make cards sometimes and I was a proud DT member of IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.

понеделник, 7 януари 2013 г.


Специално за предизвикателството на Анне - ние имаме
Снежна буря! 
 Especially for the challenge of Anne - we have

 Ето го днес моят шипков храст. / Here today my rosehip bush.

 Това съм аз - минута преди да пристигне автобуса.
 This is me - minutes before the bus arrives.

Day 7 Street / Улица
Photo a day
Аз избрах тази улица за днешната тема.
I chose this street for today's topic.

Тя ме доведе до Докторската градина, където направих още няколко снимки.
It led me to the Doctor's garden, where I made a few more shots! 
/интуитивная прозорливость/
"Today's word is Serendipity. I absolutely love this word. If you never heard it before, it means the act of finding something valuable or delightful when you are not looking for it
 In simple words, it's taking joy out of something that you didn't expect. 

 It 's a stranger smiling at you and making your day.
 It's your granddaughter saying " you look beautiful today ".
 It's a letter from an old friend you had lost contact with.
 It's a song that brings back some beautiful memories.
 It's a smell that makes you hungry when you weren't.
Нещо неочаквано, което те прави щастлив*
 Снежен човек / Snowman
 Тук горе има пейка. / There is a a bench /above/.
 Ето я в близък план. / Here it is a close-up.

" Искам поне веднъж през зимата да има ужасно студено време.
Да останат непродадени сутрешните вестници.
Буря да блъсне прозореца и да ни хвърли в една прегръдка, 
която бавно да се стопи..."
"I want least once  during the winter to have a terrible colder weather.
To stay unsold new morning papers!
Storm to hit the window and throw us into a hug
which will slowly melt away ... "

     Обичам такава истинска зима - бяла и красива. Тя ми напомня на детството, когато зимата беше няколко месеца, а татко ни пързаляше с шейна..
I love this real winter - white and beautiful. It reminds me of my childhood...
* Вижте също :
http://www.movies-bg.org/films/820/Знак_на_съдбата/                                   Serendipity/

8 коментара:

  1. Wonderful photos. I wish we had a snowstorm too. It's time for winter and snow. One really feels cozy inside, but if you have to go to work that is a different story

    1. Oh Borqna such wonderful weather you had today!!
      I love snow, mind you only if I can go for a lovely walk or stay in doors keeping warm!!

  2. What a weather you have and how lovely to see you on a photo. Your snowman made me smile. Beautiful post, Borqna. xxx

  3. Yes, I yearn for a snow day :) But of course that everyone else can enjoy one too :) xx

  4. lots of snow and a great snowman....can you keep the snow though....I dont like it, please dont send it over here :)

  5. Woah that is some snow storm, amazing, I would love to experience that kind of snow.

  6. I've heard that snow storm is heading our way, hope you stay safe.
