"10. One o’clock: Take a photo of whatever you’re doing in the hour between one and two. It could be in the middle of the night {you party animal, you!} or during the day."
В 13,00 часа аз съм на работното си място. Обедната почивка е свършила. Няколко минути по- късно аз ще се обадя на една приятелка, която днес има рожден ден, за да я поздравя. Ще търся къде е записан нейния телефонен номер и откъде е по-добре да й се обадя.
At 1 р.m. I'm in the workplace. Lunchtime is over. A few minutes later, I'll call a friend who has a birthday today to compliment her. I will find where was recorded her phone number and where is better call her.
Day 10 : One o’clock |
Прекрасно време. Там някъде в небето има самолет. Аз чувам неговия звук.
The weather is beautiful. Somewhere in the sky is an airplane. I hear its sound.
Мир / Peace
Бих искала да запомня и запазя тази втора седмица от Януари, затова ще включа тази снимка.
I would like to remember and keep this second week of January, so I will include this picture.
I had a lot of tasks today.
Forgot my camera and I had to go back!
I'm so tired - I fall asleep.
Well done for your 1 o'clock photos !
ОтговорИзтриванеYour photo of the tress and the sky is very pretty.
Oh and my parents received your magnet today, the post was very quick. They were delighted that you are such a nice thoughtful person and they both say hello to you ! I am tired too, it's late and I need to go to bed ! Good night.xxx
Hi Borqna!! It's been a long time sens I last visit your blog. I hope you feeling great and that the new year is lovely for you?! I see that you have taken a lots of beautiful photos, that inspires me to try to follow that list of yours, a photo a day. It's always nice to visit your blog and ceck out your lovely photos and words. Wish you a nice day. Hugs, Tess.
ОтговорИзтриванеlovely photos hope you got plenty of rest
ОтговорИзтриванеAs always, great photos. It looks like Lucky Snapping is going to be a great year
ОтговорИзтриванеWell done with the photos today, loved the blue skies one, I am beginning to wonder if there is a blue sky up there!!
ОтговорИзтриванеWaiting this weekend for the forecasted snow to the UK!!!!! It is definitely getting colder!!
Beautiful photo of trees :-)
ОтговорИзтриванеI have sent you an email my Friend xxx
Why is it that I cannot see all the times you place things here. I am Follow but it does not tell me when you write ??? :-(
I am missing all the things you do :-(
Ike xxx