Week 1 of each month:
The View Challenge
Hosted by Jen
The View Challenge
Hosted by Jen
" Warm September brings the fruit
sportsmen then begin to shoot... "
Sara Coleridge
Отбелязваме 128 години от Съединението на България
September 6th - note the 128 years of the Unification of Bulgaria
You can see today - the national flag of many buildings.

Изглед от моя кухненски прозорец / View from my kitchen window
Nostalgia : How things change..
Една картина, която получих като подарък за моя 45-ти рожден ден.
За мен това е много мил и скъп жест от страна на мой добър приятел и колега.
Преди около 18 години, в разговор с него, той каза, че никога няма да се раздели с картините, които е нарисувала неговата майка - ученичка на Дечко Узунов. Не иска да ги продава, защото това е единственото, което той има като спомен от нея.
Преди време почина баща му, а наскоро и неговата сестра. Самият той никога не е имал собствено семейство и деца..
- Искам това да бъде някъде, където знам, че ще е ценено. Моят живот е към края си и не искам тези неща да се погубят.. Знам, че може да не я закачиш веднага на стената, но един ден може би ще й намериш място..
Дори не бях и сънувала за такъв жест.
Хората се променяме.
Написаното, нарисуваното - остава.
Подаръкът е страхотен!
A picture that I received as a gift for my 45th birthday.
For me this is a very nice and expensive gesture of my good friend and colleague.
Some 18 years ago, in a conversation with him, he said that he would never part with the paintings, has painted his mother - a student of Dechko Uzunov / a Bulgarian painter 1899- 1986/. He doesn't want to sell these paintings because they are memory his mother.
Before the time his father died, and last year - his sister. He never had his own family and children ..
I hadn't even dreamed of such a gesture.
People are changing.
Books, paintings - remain.
For me this is a very nice and expensive gesture of my good friend and colleague.
Some 18 years ago, in a conversation with him, he said that he would never part with the paintings, has painted his mother - a student of Dechko Uzunov / a Bulgarian painter 1899- 1986/. He doesn't want to sell these paintings because they are memory his mother.
Before the time his father died, and last year - his sister. He never had his own family and children ..
I hadn't even dreamed of such a gesture.
People are changing.
Books, paintings - remain.
Thankyou for your recent kind words on my blog which have given me the opportunity to discover your blog. I will add you to my photography blog roll so I can keep in touch.