Моята снимка
Sofia, Bulgaria; Just a woman in a Man's Man's World... Wife, mother of a 20+year-old boy -a young philosopher. Make cards sometimes and I was a proud DT member of IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.

четвъртък, 20 декември 2012 г.

Day 355: I don't believe my eyes - I meet Santa Claus!

      Не знам каква ще е днешната тема! Имам ексклузивна новина! Срещнах Дядо Коледа!
Сега само някой да смее да ми каже, че Дядо Коледа не съществува!!!

I don't know what will be today's topic! But I got exclusive news!
 I don't believe my eyes - I meet Santa Claus!
I do not believe my eyes - I meet Santa Claus!
      Преди няколко дни във фото-къщата две момчета си говореха:
      - Моля те, купи ми една "Снежанка"*. - казва единят от тях.
      - А за мен един Дядо Коледа, ако може - по-младичък! - шегувам се аз. - Че джуджетата не ми подхождат много!
      - Моля?? - и двамата ме гледат с недоумение.
     А хората от фотото, които ме познават, се засмяха! Тогава момчетата разбраха шегата.
     Ето го! 
     Внимавайте какво си пожелавате!
A few days ago, in a photo-house, two guys talking:
Please buy me a "Snow White" *. - says one of them.
Santa Claus for me please, but he must be younger! - I'm just kidding. - Dwarves do not suited me.
Please?? - they look at me with disbelief.
And people
from the photo that know me laughed! Then the boys realized the joke.
Here comes
Santa Claus!  
Be careful what you wish for!   

* -   "Снежанка" - освен Снежанка - спътничката на Дядо Коледа, ние наричаме така и една салата от кисело мляко, краставици, чесън, копър, щипка сол и  малко олио.
* - "Snow White" - except Snow White - Santa's companion, and we call a salad with yogurt, cucumbers, garlic, dill, a pinch of salt and a little oil.
Day 355: something you want / нещо, което искате
Thank you, Suzie!

7 коментара:

  1. great photos well done Borqna meeting Father Christmas, not sure if I would enjoy snow white!!!

  2. What were the chances of Santa being on a bus and you being there at the same time? Welcome back to SMWYG!

  3. You must have been really good all year long so that you could meet Santa Claus on the bus. Well done you. All the best during the holidays!

  4. How lovely to meet Father Christmas on the bus.

    Thank you for the suggestion for a card from my blog yesterday. I had never thought of that and I think it is a great idea.

  5. Borqna, thank you so much for your lovely comments on my blog.
    How lovely to have a photo with Father Xmas, I would love one ! xxx

  6. ha i KNEW santa was real :) how lucky are you to meet him on the bus!! wonder if thats santa using 21st century transportation? Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog borqna.. it really always cheers me up to find you have left me a note.
    You are a very kind and thoughtful person and i am glad we got to "meet" through this challenge!
