Тази седмица Кати ни предложи темата за майките и майчинството.
В тази връзка си спомних за една моя картичка, наречена "Майка-бужу", както и една история.
Годината е 2003. Синът ми беше на три години. На корицата на някакво списание имаше голяма снимка на момичетата от група "Бонд". Питам го:
- Харесват ли ти тези момичета?
- Да.
- Коя е най-хубавата?
Няма да забравя как той спокойно протегна ръка към мен, сложи малката си длан на сърцето ми и каза:
- Мама.
Много се изненадах. Честно, очаквах да посочи някое от момичетата на снимката. Стана ми много приятно. Споделих случката с една моя колежка и добавих:
- Така ги учат в детската градина, нали?
- Боби - каза ми тя - в неговите очи ти си най-красивата.
- Защото съм му майка?
- Да.
***Преди време Линн ме попита, защо постим. Отговарям сега - постим, за да дадем шанс за живот. Ето защо, мисля, че моят проект е подходящ за Великден.
Яйцата, които не сме изяли - от тях са се излюпили пиленца.

This week KathiJo propose topic of mothers and motherhood.
In this connection, I remembered one of my card called "Mother GEM", but also a story.
The year is 2003. My son was then three years old.
On the cover of a magazine had a great picture of the girls from the band "Bond." I ask him:
- Do you like these girls?
- Yes, I do.
- Which (woman) is the most beautiful?
And he put his little hand on my heart and said:
- Mom.
I was very surprised. Honestly, I expected him to choose one of the girls in the picture. I found it very enjoyable. I shared the story with one of my colleagues and added:
- This children learn in kindergarten, isn't it?
- Boriana - she said - in his eyes you are the most beautiful.
- Because I'm his mother?
- Yes, exactly.
Some time ago, Lynne asked me why in Bulgaria eat meatless food before major holidays. Answer now - to give a chance for life.
That is why, I think my project is right for Easter.
Eggs are not eaten - they are hatched chicks. New life.
Моята черна кокошчица. / My Black Hen.
I wanted it to be black! Because the beliefs in Bulgarian authentic folklore!
Black hen eggs have the most healing properties.
Исках да е черна! Заради поверията в народния фолклор! /Български магии и гадания/; ХУУДУ
За яйцата от черна кокошка може да прочетете и тук. Това е един страхотен разказ на Весислава Савова по мотиви от народния фолклор.
Quote from a great story on motifs from folklore about the magic of black hen egg ..
"- This egg is .. - timidly said Gancho.
- From black hen - interrupted the girl. - There are two egg yolks. How much you want for it?
- Oh, nothing, nothing. Gift ... if you can ...
- I don't take anything away."
It turns out that the girl is a witch ..
/ was FRIDAY FREEBIE 3 - 27 January 2012/
I really like the images of the talented Ike. Also I'm very curious what you do with them. Ike made this blog and one of my dreams come true. That's why I'm so happy always - great cards in one place, here.
Една друга картичка с това изображение - тук.
Another my card with this image - here.
Lucky 7's in 2014
Paper Shelter Challenge - #152 Buttons
(We like to see at least one real button on your creation) City Crafter Challenge- #205 Easter/Spring
Through The Craft Room Door W, 2E - Always Anything Goes
Beautiful flower garden in front of a shopping center. On the photo you can see a woman who takes care of that color spot in the city.
Прекрасна цветна градинка пред един търговски център.
Beautiful easter creation Borqna! And I love the stories, especially the storie of your son, so sweet!
ОтговорИзтриванеThanks for joining the TTCRD challenges this week.
Lovely pictures and words.. my grand daughter told her mum she was the best mum.. apart from nannie (that's me!) xx
ОтговорИзтриванеSuch a beautiful wall hanging ... Thanks so much for playing along at CCCB!!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, ladies!
ОтговорИзтриванеHow wonderful to see the gorgeous flowers at last Borqna and such a sweet story about your Son.... but he was right, No ?!!
ОтговорИзтриванеA fabulous wall hanging and I am glad you liked my little hen.
Thank you for joining us at IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES - it is wonderful that you come play. :-D
Thank you.
IKE xxxx
Fabulous card and photos.Thank you for joining us at Ike's World Challenges good luck Ginny ♥
ОтговорИзтриванеThat is a lovely story about your son. You couldn't ask for anything better.
ОтговорИзтриванеI love your black hen.
The flowers are beautiful. I love this time of year.
Adorable!!! Beautiful flowers and a great story :-) Thanks so much for playing along at CCCB!!
ОтговорИзтриванеWhat a cute chicken image and buttons! I love your coloring on the chicken...it looks so real to me. This is an adorable card! Your pictures are so very nice, thank you so much for sharing them! Thanks for joining us at The Paper Shelter challenge this week and hope to see more of your artwork soon! Hugs, Gail
ОтговорИзтриванеAbsolutely precious!Thanks so much for playing along at CCCB!
ОтговорИзтриванеReally cute. Thanks for playing along with our "Buttons" challenge over at the Paper Shelter.
ОтговорИзтриванеLove n hugs
Your wall hanging is so awesome I truly love it-Great job!! Great coloring! Also I would like to invite you out to our Facebook page, if you go there, we are having swap sign ups, if your interested. Here is the FB link if you would like it: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IkesArtFanPage/
ОтговорИзтриванеHave a Blessed day!
Great background behind your lovely entry. Love lore and what can created from it. Fab hang and once again so appreciate your time and Thanks for entering this round at Ike's World Challenges. Shoni, DT