За съжаление стават и такива неща! / Unfortunately, sometimes those things are becoming!
Моята Кармен / my Karmen
7. Something beginning with F: Find something beginning with the letter F and take a photo.
... fingers, flowers .. Fa, fun & ... First edition!
8. Shape: Shapes are all around us. Which will you choose for today’s prompt?
Какво ще кажете за тази форма - една от любимите ни!
How about this shape - it is one of our favorites!
9. A snack: Healthy, or not-so-healthy, share a snack with us.
Лека закуска - ябълки, валички с крем и малко шоколад. Моят мъж винаги яде десерта в 22 часа.
Snack - apple, waffles with cream and a little chocolate. My husband always eat dessert in 10 p.m.
Lucky Snapping in 2013
The View Challenge: May
May brings flocks of pretty lambs,
skipping by their fleecy dams.
Поляната с шипковия храст - през месец май е прекрасна!In May "My" meadow with dog roses is wonderful!
The View Challenge: Additional Prompt #2
The View Challenge: Additional Prompt #1
Изглед от кухнята на майка ми.
View from the kitchen of my mother.
View from the kitchen of my mother.
Подаръкът за Нина. / The gift for Nina.
Oh wow Borqna, your view has really changed too and we all love it when it is warmer and greener. Love your husband's dessert plate too. Yummy :) xxx
ОтговорИзтриванеBeautiful photos Borqna, delicious dessert.
ОтговорИзтриванеNina is lucky to have you as a friend !
That shape looks like a Bells whisky bottle .Am I right?
ОтговорИзтриванеIs there still snow on those mountains you can see from your mums window?
Oops I meant a Grants Whiskey bottle.
ИзтриванеExactly! Thank you, dear Viv!
ИзтриванеYes, there is snow on the highest peaks.
You have been busy with your photographs, I see that spring is coming!