May Photo A Day: A challenge that will change your life

Купих това - реплика на яйце на Фаберже.
Day 1 : I bought it - a replica of a Faberge egg.
2. Morning ritual: What’s something you do most morning. Shoot and share it.
Сутрешен ритуал - винаги подреждам масата за закуска и тогава отивам на работа. Когато сме почивка, винаги закусваме заедно.
I always set the table for breakfast and then I go to work. When we rest, always have breakfast together. My men drink different kinds of chocolate. I prefer coffee.
Day 2 : Morning ritual - breakfast.
MAY 1 st
MAY 1 st
Rudolph Day Winner - April
Ho Ho Ho fellow blog chums . . . I'm here to announce the winner of the stamps for the April Rudolph Day, so without further ado . . . Mr Linky picked . . .
No 1 . . . Borqna . . . CONGRATULATIONS
MAY 2 nd
Teddy Time winner
Ho Ho Ho fellow blog chums . . . I'm here to announce the winner of the stamps for the April Rudolph Day, so without further ado . . . Mr Linky picked . . .
No 1 . . . Borqna . . . CONGRATULATIONS
MAY 2 nd
Teddy Time winner
На нашата улица снимаха филм. / On our street shooting a movie.
Congratulations on your win with the lovely Christmas card. A beautiful image, and loved the lacey doily used behind Father Christmas. TFS