Моята снимка
Sofia, Bulgaria; Just a woman in a Man's Man's World... Wife, mother of a 20+year-old boy -a young philosopher. Make cards sometimes and I was a proud DT member of IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.

вторник, 20 ноември 2012 г.

Day 325: Bridge again / Мост

     "Stand up and fight!" / Стани и се бий/ - казваше често един мой колега /същият с "Ръцете ми единствено виновни"/. Минаха години, когато разбрах, че и това е от песен.
     Тази вечер, във връзка с темата "Bridge", мъжът ми ми напомни за нея.
    "Stand up and fight!" - often said a colleague of mine. I understand that this is a song.
    Tonight, on the theme "Bridge", my husband reminded me of it - 
   "Burn the bridge behind you ..." - Manowar

"Изгори моста след себе си...
Тръгни, но не отстъпвай..."
Една снимка от ноември - 2000 г. / A photo from November - 2000
В Струга река Църни Дрим изтича от Охридското езеро и поема към Адриатическо море.
In Struga / Macedonia /Black Drim River flows out of Lake Ohrid and assume the Adriatic Sea.
Писмото на Влади до Дядо Коледа и една играчка за елха - ботуш - идеята и шаблона са от този блог.
Vladi's letter to Santa and a toy tree - boot - the idea and template are from this blog.

А ето и един друг мост / And here's another bridge

7 коментара:

  1. I love that you took a photo of a photo. Vlad has such sweet writing.

    I love the name Blacky Drim River, off to google it :) xxx

  2. what a great photo! lol in germany we say "dont burn all the bridges behind you".. i guess we like to play it safe
    love the santa stocking as well! i will have to try and find the christmas spirit.

  3. Wow Christmas already in Bulgaria!!! It is in our shops in the UK too!! Well done Vlad for writing to Santa, has he seen the website of the North pole? https://www.northpole.com/Clubhouse/Games/
    I was going to try and take a photo of "don't burn your bridges" but found it too difficult :(

  4. Love your photos. It's so sweet to write to Santa !

  5. I think your photo framed by the bridge is great. I looked on the website you recommended. It is good isn't it.
    Well done Vlad for writing to Santa.

  6. Great ways to get into the holiday spirit Happy SMWYG!
