Day 5. Love: Take a photo that shows love.
Моето първо заглавие беше - Любов..
Но аз го промених.
Това е страст.
Жената избира мъжа, който след това ще избере нея!
I wanted everything to be natural - beast and nature .. rough and raw.
Size 25sm. /25sm.
"Beauty and Beast"

Challenges 4 Everybody - Always Anything Goes
Eclectic Ellapu - Flowers
Ако си представиш
Изпълнител: Валди Тотев
Ако си представиш, моята любов If you imagine my love-
пясъчен часовник, цял един живот. it is an hourglass for a whole lifetime.
Ако си представяш вечер, студ и самота If you're cold and lonely night
ако още помниш нещо, моля те... ела. if you remember anything else, please ... come.
Моля, вижте също проекта на Серена - изумителен! /
Please also see design of Serena - amazing!
Day 15. Outside the window: Look through the window and take a photo of what you see.
Жената избира мъжа, който след това ще избере нея!
My first title was - Love
But I changed.
This is passion. and...
The woman chooses the man who will then choose her!But I changed.
This is passion. and...
I wanted everything to be natural - beast and nature .. rough and raw.
Size 25sm. /25sm.
"Beauty and Beast"

Challenges 4 Everybody - Always Anything Goes
Eclectic Ellapu - Flowers
Ако си представиш
Изпълнител: Валди Тотев
Ако си представиш, утрешния ден If you imagine tomorrow
срещата ни вечер и нощта със мен. our meeting tonight and night with me.
Ако си представяш вечер, топлината в теб If you fancy evening and the warmth of you
твоята любов навярно, би стопила... лед. your love probably would have melted ... ice.
срещата ни вечер и нощта със мен. our meeting tonight and night with me.
Ако си представяш вечер, топлината в теб If you fancy evening and the warmth of you
твоята любов навярно, би стопила... лед. your love probably would have melted ... ice.
Ако си представиш, моята любов If you imagine my love-
пясъчен часовник, цял един живот. it is an hourglass for a whole lifetime.
Ако си представяш вечер, студ и самота If you're cold and lonely night
ако още помниш нещо, моля те... ела. if you remember anything else, please ... come.
Моля, вижте също проекта на Серена - изумителен! /
Please also see design of Serena - amazing!
Day 15. Outside the window: Look through the window and take a photo of what you see.
I have many photos - out the window. That is why I made these "Through the door" and "Through the lens". /Both female characters are Blondie!/
What a beautiful creation. Thanks for sharing with us Eclectics and hope to see you in future challenges.
ОтговорИзтриванеElaine aka Ellapu
Oh WoW, Borqna - what a fantastic creation. I love all the pieces in the background and the image looks perfect. Brilliant creation. Thank you for taking so much time and trouble to use one of my images. It's AMAZING. :-)
ОтговорИзтриванеGreat photos too - glad to see a little kitty in there :-)
Many Hugz
IKE xxxxxxxxxxxx
Fro me too : What a beautiful project Borqna, that's fabulous.
ОтговорИзтриванеI listened to the song and it was very moving, thank you for putting the translation, it was even better. Piano is my favorite instrument.
Glad you could share my adventure with Dennis away. I saw him again today, yeah !!! Take care, xxx
great take on beauty and the beast :) what a great project :)
ОтговорИзтриванеwow! Fantastic work!
ОтговорИзтриванеWonderful project - I hope you'll link up at 52 Card Pickup again this week!
You really captured the feeling of passion with the protruding irregular shapes coming out from behind your Beauty and the Beast image. The strong colors, patterns and textures emphasized the feeling too. Blessings, my friend!
ОтговорИзтриванеБоряна! Молодец:) Как всегда оригинально и креативно!!!!! Хочется рассматривать детали и крупный план....