“Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” ~ Voltaire - French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
„Като си прав ще се биеш докрай”. / "When you're right you fight to the end."
Как оценяваме? / How do we appreciate?
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All for Love (1986) / "To Love in Spite Of"
"Da obichash na inat" (original title)
/ A mulish love - my translation! /
92 min - Drama - 20 January 1986 (Bulgaria)
This is a film about the general collision between the generations. The
film tells us the story of a 14 year old boy and his father, and the way
they fight over all the problems.
A middle-aged man makes every effort to provide for more or less decent life for his family. He is a driver who carries vegetables and fruits. He spends reasonable to save for his family and especially for his kid. Everything is all right until the day when the boy finds out that the part of the money have been made in indecent way. This revelation provokes a serious conflict in the family and the boy deserts his home. The man makes an attempt to put an end to his shady deals, but it turns out to be impossible. His 'employers' display exorbitant aggressiveness.
Written by Georgi Djulgerov
User Reviews
It's sad, but optimistic picture. Taking bribes, committing a crime without confessing it and proclamation of false moral that you don't believe. A movie about the meaning of fatherhood, and manhood, altogether. About the point of living a decent life. This movie had problems with the sensors in the Communist era but, although some time passed before it was released, it happened. They released it and it had immense success. Unfortunately, today, there isn't any interest in showing some meaningful films, and most of the Bulgarian pictures are just pretentious crap, an awful versions of Hollywood worst pictures. If you want to watch an example of good Bulgarian movie, "To Love in Spite Of" is the best choice for me. Hope you will enjoy it.
"He sings falsely. And you? You're a thief. You think I don't know that?
You stаeal, and you reproach me!"„Той пее фалшиво. А ти? Ти си крадец. Мислиш, че не знам ли? Крадеш, а мене ще учиш.”
The movie -
Любить назло / Да обичаш на инат (1986) на русском
*** Ivan Velikov - The teenager, who knows who fake singing falsely and risks being expelled from school in "All For Love"- he hasn't other appearances in films. He wasn't able to view the premiere of the film because his family emigrated to China. Ends secondary and higher education in China. Today he is a businessman.
Иван Велков - Тинейджърът, който разбира от фалшиво пеене и рискува да бъде изключен от училище във филма "Да обичаш на инат", няма други роли. Не успява да изгледа премиерата на филма, защото семейството му емигрира в Китай. Завършва средно и висше образование в Китай. Днес той бизнесмен.
The movie was filmed in the neighborhood where I was living - you can also see
"my block" / white and yellow balconies / and where studying my sister. Also what was the neighborhood park. I know exactly where it is "buried" the pan with a money!.. The movie -
Любить назло / Да обичаш на инат (1986) на русском
*** Ivan Velikov - The teenager, who knows who fake singing falsely and risks being expelled from school in "All For Love"- he hasn't other appearances in films. He wasn't able to view the premiere of the film because his family emigrated to China. Ends secondary and higher education in China. Today he is a businessman.
Иван Велков - Тинейджърът, който разбира от фалшиво пеене и рискува да бъде изключен от училище във филма "Да обичаш на инат", няма други роли. Не успява да изгледа премиерата на филма, защото семейството му емигрира в Китай. Завършва средно и висше образование в Китай. Днес той бизнесмен.
The movie was filmed in the neighborhood where I was living - you can also see
Филмът е сниман в квартала, в който аз живеех - вие може да видите също "моя блок"/ с бели и жълти балкони/ и къде учеше моята сестра. Също какъв е бил кварталният парк . Аз знам точно мястото, където е "ЗАРОВЕНА" тенджерата с парите!..
In the movie, you will hear many times the word
'' control / a /'' -
in Bulgarian and in English sounds the same!
Do we live under control?
The world is covered by the evaluation passion!
How much you worth?
The world is covered by the evaluation passion!
How much you worth?
Everything has a price!
Do we appreciate the value of life?
Do we appreciate life?
Във филма вие ще чуете много пъти думата '' контрол /а/'' -
на български и английски език звучи еднакво!
Живеем ли под контрол? Светът е обхванат от оценъчна страст!
Колко струваш? Всяко нещо има цена!
Как ценим живота?
That sounds a really interesting film. I don't think we could see it over here though
ОтговорИзтриванеI think the Sofia tour is very interesting, Perhaps one day we may be able to visit you
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you Borqna in telling us about the film, a very interesting moral story line.
ОтговорИзтриванеWell done on doing my challenge this week it was hard but hey....you did it :) Thank you xx