" Let us share different Shapes in the Environment..."
'S' shape
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See the wave, see the rock.. |
A greeting for good mood:
How it sounds Britain in 60 seconds?
"Комисия приема новопостроена 5-етажна кооперация и установява, че на нито един етаж, в нито един апартамент няма тоалетни. Питат архитекта-проектант защо е пропуснал да предвиди тези съоръжения. Той отговаря:
- Не съм пропуснал, но от тоалетни в тази сграда няма нужда. На първия етаж ще живеят болнави пенсионери - те, каквото изсерат, го събират в буркани и го носят за изследвания. На втория етаж ще живеят бедни студенти - те нямат какво да ядат, ерго - нямат и какво да серат. На третия етаж ще живеят погражданени селяни - те, по стар навик излизат по нужда на двора. На четвъртия етаж ще живеят адвокати - те си серат един на друг в устата. А на петия етаж ще живеят дипломати - те в България ядат, а в чужбина серат."
And a bit Bulgarian sound /humor/ :
"Commission considered a new 5-storey building and found that any floor, any apartment no toilets. They ask the architect-designer why he failed to provide these facilities. He replied:
- No mistake, but you can see, this building doesn't need toilets:
Here on the first floor sickly pensioners will live - they collect whatever shit in jars and carry it to the hospital for tests.
On the second floor poorer students will live - they have nothing to eat, ergo - there is nothing to shitting.
On the third floor will live citified villagers - they are as a habit to go shitting in the yard.
On the fourth floor lawyers will live - they're shitting on each other in the mouth.
And on the fifth floor will live our diplomats - they eat in Bulgaria and shitting abroad."
/a favorite joke of the my mothers "repertoire"/
Exclusive News - please read those publications -
Holy Trinity Church - Bansko - Bulgaria
Bansko - Bulgaria
Thanks so much for recommending my recent posts on Bansko, so much appreciated and lovely to welcome you as a follower of Travel Tales. :)
ОтговорИзтриванеTwo lovely photos of s shapes.
ОтговорИзтриванеWe are considering going to Bansko in September. I didn't want to say anything until we have booked but I couldn't help mentioning it when I saw the photos by LindyLou. I'll let you know when we book.:)