Моята снимка
Sofia, Bulgaria; Just a woman in a Man's Man's World... Wife, mother of a 20+year-old boy -a young philosopher. Make cards sometimes and I was a proud DT member of IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.

неделя, 9 февруари 2014 г.

Week 6: MEDIA II

 Lucky 7's in 2014 - Week 6 : Media 

TV favourites 
 “Operation Taradiddle - The legend"
(terrifyingly funny series about Bulgarian wise guys and suckers.)

Развит върху основата на хитовия филм на Владислав Карамфилов, "Шменти Капели: Легендата" е сатиричен сериал за българската самоличност – как стигнахме дотук, как станахме каквито сме днес? "Шменти капели: Легендата" е нарицателен израз, който българина употребява в ежедневния си език в смисъла на "лъжа", "измама", "манипулация", "преструвка"..."

 Developed on the basis of the hit movie of Vladislav Karamfilov
(Operation Shmenti Capelli (2011))
“Operation Taradiddle - The legend" is a satirical series about Bulgarian identity - how we got here, how we became, what we are today?
“Taradiddle/SHMENTI/" is a byword expression that Bulgarians used in everyday language in the sense of "lie", "cheat", "manipulation", "sham" ...

About the main characters swirl affairs of millions of dollars to see that ideology, psychology and daily motivation is determined by answering the question "where is the money."

Шменти Капели: Легендата

In two words - Something like the Bulgarian version of "Allo, allo".

1 коментар:

  1. I love the snowdrops! They are my girls birth month flower and my husbands grandma brought some into the hospital when they were born.
