Децата ще празнуват Св.Валентин днес, ние възрастните - един хубав български празник - Трифон Зарезан - ден на виното.
По-късно ще добавя снимка от вечерта.
"На младини имай любов и рози, а на старини — приятели и вино."
Томас Мор
This card I made for the Lady on the heart of my almost 14 year old son.
The children will celebrate Valentine's Day today, we adults - a nice Bulgarian holiday -
Trifon's Day - a day of wine.
Later I'll add a photo of the evening.
"If you're young - нave love and roses,
if you're old, then have friends and wine."
Thomas More
Thomas More
'PUPPY LUV'.... exclusive for a limited time!
Love Buttons Digi Stamp, Free!
Lucky 7's in 2014
Friday.. Hearts.. well it is 14th Feb

Another hearts
In the bear paw |
Интернационална трапеза за Трифон Зарезан -
Вино от Нова Зеландия; маслини от Гърция; основно ястие - руски пелмени; люти чушки - Турция; кисело зеле, сирене и кетчуп - България.
International table for Trifon Zarezan -
Wine from New Zealand, olives from Greece, main dish - Russian pelmeni; hot peppers - Turkey, pickled cabbage, cheese and ketchup - Bulgaria.
Страхотна е картичката, Боре! Сигурна съм, че малката дама ще я хареса; а медените сърчица ми иде да ги схрускам :)
ОтговорИзтриванеВесел празник 2 в 1 и на теб!
Fabulous card thank you for using Ike's image and I love the jar of hearts .Thank you for joining us at Ike's World Challenges good luck Ginny ♥
ОтговорИзтриванеI love the button jar and the dog. It is a lovely card.
ОтговорИзтриванеHappy Valentine day xxx
ОтговорИзтриванеgreat pictures happy valentines day
ОтговорИзтриванеLove all of the pictures. Happy Valentine's Day Borqna!
ОтговорИзтриванеYummalicious! all of it. It is so great how you added other pics of interests. that is new to a blog and I love it! Great idea Borqna. This card is SOOOO cute. I just want to dive into that jar...yummy. Your pics are SOOO fun. Thanks for bringing your fantabulous art to Ike's. you are such a loyal participant. It is so cool Borqna. Hugzz samara DT IWC
ОтговорИзтриванеGreat photos- love the biscuits
ОтговорИзтриванеGreat card with this winsome & pretty puppy holding the Valentine in his mouth. Thanks for your recent visit too. Enjoyed the pictures of where you live as well. TFS & hugs
ОтговорИзтриванеWonderful card and looks like you had a nice day and yummy food! =)
ОтговорИзтриванеHugs, Elenor
love all the hearts
ОтговорИзтриванеGreat card Borqna - I like that the dog and jar are left black and white :-)
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you for playing along with us at IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES and we hope to see you again. :-D
My Challenge Blog: http://ikesworldchallengeblog.blogspot.com
My Shop: www.ikesart.com
My Blog: http://suzy-ikesworld.blogspot.com
Great card, thank you for using Ike's Art, and for joining in on Ike's World Challenges. I hope you can stop by our Facebook page and show off your art work, and maybe sign up for an ATC or Tag swap w/ us?
Боби, радвам се да те видя отново тук. Макар и със закъснение, честити празници. То всеки ден е празник, стига човек да го поиска, така че май не съм закъсняла много :). Чудесна трапеза сте имали а мечоците са много готини :) Успех и късмет!