The View Challenge: November
бялата дама на път към Бялата кула в Солун.
" Понякога светлината в нас угасва, но тя изгрява отново в пламъци от срещата с друго човешко същество. Всеки от нас дължи най-дълбока благодарност на тези, които възраждат тази наша вътрешна светлина. '' Алберт Швайцер
Чл. 157. (1) (Изм. - ДВ, бр. 100 от 1992 г.) Работодателят е длъжен да освобождава от работа работника или служителя:
3. (изм. - ДВ, бр. 25 от 2001 г., в сила от 31.03.2001 г.) при смърт на родител, дете, съпруг, брат, сестра и родител на другия съпруг или други роднини по права линия - 2 работни дни;
QUEST 25 - POEticisms....... a poetic expression

Allen Poe
Едгар Алан По
Страната на сънищата - Сам
our light goes out, but it is blown again into flame by an encounter
with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those
who have rekindled this inner light.
So after two days - Monday and Tuesday / 28-29 /, I stayed home by the end of the week.
Yesterday - Monday / 4 / was my first working day. Difficult because some of my colleagues brought their condolences. This is the ninth day after death, which here is marked by a memorial service - loaf with nine balls. My sister and I were in the apartment. We asked our guest not to enter the room of our mother, but we found (!) that this isn't respected. This makes me very upset and grieved!
/Many years I have not been in the bedroom of my parents! ../
Of course I miss my mom - I grab the phone out of habit and I want to call her, but I think - she's gone. Or say - What was that? Now I will ask my mom, she knows!..
Една снимка от миналата година -
Dear ladies - this post is for you
Thank you very much for your support!
Thank you very much for your support!
"The employer is obliged to released by work the employee:
death of a parent, child, spouse, brother, sister and parents of the spouse or other close relatives -
death of a parent, child, spouse, brother, sister and parents of the spouse or other close relatives -
2 business days''
So after two days - Monday and Tuesday / 28-29 /, I stayed home by the end of the week.
Yesterday - Monday / 4 / was my first working day. Difficult because some of my colleagues brought their condolences. This is the ninth day after death, which here is marked by a memorial service - loaf with nine balls. My sister and I were in the apartment. We asked our guest not to enter the room of our mother, but we found (!) that this isn't respected. This makes me very upset and grieved!
/Many years I have not been in the bedroom of my parents! ../
Of course I miss my mom - I grab the phone out of habit and I want to call her, but I think - she's gone. Or say - What was that? Now I will ask my mom, she knows!..
бялата дама на път към Бялата кула в Солун.
" Понякога светлината в нас угасва, но тя изгрява отново в пламъци от срещата с друго човешко същество. Всеки от нас дължи най-дълбока благодарност на тези, които възраждат тази наша вътрешна светлина. '' Алберт Швайцер
Чл. 157. (1) (Изм. - ДВ, бр. 100 от 1992 г.) Работодателят е длъжен да освобождава от работа работника или служителя:
3. (изм. - ДВ, бр. 25 от 2001 г., в сила от 31.03.2001 г.) при смърт на родител, дете, съпруг, брат, сестра и родител на другия съпруг или други роднини по права линия - 2 работни дни;
И така след тези два дни - понеделник и вторник/28-29/, аз останах вкъщи до края на работната седмица.
Вчера - понеделник/4/ бе първият ми работен ден. Труден, защото част от моите колеги поднесоха своите съболезнования. Това е и деветият ден след смъртта, който тук се отбелязва с помен - питка с девет топчета. Ние със сестра ми бяхме в апартамента. Бяхме помолили нашата гостенка да не влиза в стаята на майка ни, но установихме (!), че това не е спазено. Това много ме разтрои и огорчи!
Аз със години не съм влизала в спалнята на моите родители!..
Разбира се, че ми липсва - хващам телефона по навик и искам да й се обадя, но се сещам, че я няма. Или си казвам - Как беше това? Сега ще я питам, тя знае!..
Size 22.5sm./25.5sm.
This is my humble attempt to monochrome card.
Here it is in B/W.====

From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were — I have not seen
As others saw — I could not bring
My passions from a common spring —
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow — I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone —
And all I lov'd — I lov'd alone —
Then — in my childhood — in the dawn
Of a most stormy life — was drawn
From ev'ry depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still —
From the torrent, or the fountain —
From the red cliff of the mountain —
From the sun that 'round me roll'd
In its autumn tint of gold —
From the lightning in the sky
As it pass'd me flying by —
From the thunder, and the storm —
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view —
As others were — I have not seen
As others saw — I could not bring
My passions from a common spring —
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow — I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone —
And all I lov'd — I lov'd alone —
Then — in my childhood — in the dawn
Of a most stormy life — was drawn
From ev'ry depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still —
From the torrent, or the fountain —
From the red cliff of the mountain —
From the sun that 'round me roll'd
In its autumn tint of gold —
From the lightning in the sky
As it pass'd me flying by —
From the thunder, and the storm —
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view —
Страната на сънищата - Сам
От детство бях си по-различенSentiment:
от другите и непривичен
бе погледът ми, а очите
от свой вир черпеха сълзите.
От място собствено струеше
тъгата ми и трудно беше
да свиря с други бодра нота.
Обичах всичко сам в живота.
Но после, после във зората
на пътя ми трънлив, недрата
на естеството се откриха
пред мен и тайна ми дариха:
тайна, скрита във потока,
във скалата най-висока
и във слънцето от злато,
потъмняло в късно лято,
във светкавица небесна,
дето преди миг ме стресна,
във гърма и урагана,
и във облак, който стана
(както свода бе в лъчи)
демон в моите очи.
Images: My idea : 5 Oct to 4 Nov
This quotation from Albert Schweitzer is very beautiful Borqna, it moved me. Going through grieving is indeed very difficult, time helps with the wounds but very slowly, xxx
ОтговорИзтриванеDear Borqna, I am so very sorry for your loss, I am afraid that you will feel terrible each time you reach for the phone to ring her, but as Anne says it will get better and here are some (((hugs))) from me for a very difficult time. xxx
ОтговорИзтриванеOh Dear Borqna - I am so sorry for your loss :-( I send you strength and healing and hope that the pain will soon ease for you. xxxxxx
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you for taking time to make such a wonderful creation for us at Quoth The Raven.
Much love
IKE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you very much for your kind words!
ОтговорИзтриванеA month ago my mother agreed to surgery. Then we didn't know that this would be - game of Russian roulette! Malpractice.
I know that this wouldn't happen if we were in another country. But I am Bulgarian and I will carry my cross!
I already wrote: My mother is gone from our world with joy and smile. She saw the light..
I love the quote from Albert Schweitzer. Your pictures are wonderful and interesting as always. I know you are sad about the passing of your mother but I can truly say it will get better. There will be a time when you can think of her and not feel pain but happy for the wonderful memories you have of her. Even though we have never met, know I wish you all the best and send hugs your way.
ОтговорИзтриванеSo sorry to hear of the unexpected passing of your mother, it may not seem it now but as the others say, give yourself time and the pain will ease. Cherish the memories and for having her in your life. She would not want you to be unhappy and hurting. Take care. Always here for you. xxx