Моята снимка
Sofia, Bulgaria; Just a woman in a Man's Man's World... Wife, mother of a 20+year-old boy -a young philosopher. Make cards sometimes and I was a proud DT member of IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.

вторник, 26 ноември 2013 г.

November Quote Week - day II

Short post!
... for first  time I made such cake!
Lenten cake with small fruits 
/ My with cranberries and blackberries /
Постен сладкиш с дребни плодове
Първи сняг за тази зима / First snow this winter

     Един календар за 2014 год. със снимки на мои картички, направен във Фото-къща Ралица;
Може да поръчате и вие:
12 листов календар / с ваши снимки/ струва 20 лева / 10 евро/
6 листов календар - 10 лева.
A calendar for 2014 with photographs of my cards made ​​in Photo RALITSA

Винаги съм искала да имам такъв календар! И ако майка беше жива - той щеше да бъде за нея!
I always wanted to have such calendar! And if my mother was alive - it would be a gift for her!

8 коментара:

  1. What a lovely calender that will make!. Lovely to learn a new recipe :) I am always trying a new recipe too :)

  2. Your calendar is beautiful. Your cake looks really good. I love trying new recipes as well especially baking.

  3. Beautiful calendar Borqna. I am sure your mum can see it from where she is, xxx

  4. I have to say your cake looks delicious! Love how you've put together the calendar for 2014. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. Have a lovely week!
    hugs, Asha - Sunny Summer Crafts

  5. Много красив календар! Поздрави, Боряна!

  6. Your cake looks and sounds yummy. Beautiful calendar, great idea for it. xx

  7. hi my dear friend! what a lovely calendar you've made, beautiful! your cake looks delicious, i bet it was! ;) we have snow in sweden now to, but just a little. thank you for all lovely comments on my blog, they always makes my happy, you know that. thanks for your email to, sorry i haven't respond, i will!! :) wish you a lovley day. hugs, tess.

  8. Какая интересная идея с календарем! А тортик, и по картинке, видно, что очень вкусный!
