След по-силно, по-бързо, предполагам че повечето от нас са очаквали днес думата да е:
Аз поне това очаквах. Затова си запазих едни снимки от вчера за днес - последните, които направих.
Те идеално пасват за по-високо!
Then stronger, faster, I guess most of us expect word today is:
I least expect it. So I saved some photos from yesterday to today - the last that did.
They are ideally suited for higher!
Then stronger, faster, I guess most of us expect word today is:
I least expect it. So I saved some photos from yesterday to today - the last that did.
They are ideally suited for higher!
"Опитах се да ходя на въже... "/" I tried to walk on a rope ..." - a song
Ето как започна денят ми -
Да те посрещнат с току-що извадена от печката тава с баница!
Това са майсторката Ани и нейният син.
Here's how my day started -
to meet with just removed from the oven tray with banitsa!
These are the master Annie and her son -
to meet with just removed from the oven tray with banitsa!
These are the master Annie and her son -
The Kings of breakfast
Хората работят! People work!
Днес думата е точка.
Точка, точка, запетайка. Нос, тиренце, колеленце. Шички, шички - две ръчички. Тумбалака с двата крака. И калпака със байрака !
Today, the word - point.
Point, point, comma. Nose, dash, circle. Ear, ear - two hands. Belly with both feet. And cap with flag!
Point, point, comma. Nose, dash, circle. Ear, ear - two hands. Belly with both feet. And cap with flag!
Като чуя
" Point"
..се сещам винаги първо за тенис на корт.
When I hear "Point" I remember always first for tennis.
В търсене на точката../ In search of the point ..
Моята точка днес се оказа един магазин - Здраве от Изтока - продукти на китайската медицина.
My point today is one shop - Health from the East - products of Chinese medicine.
My point today is one shop - Health from the East - products of Chinese medicine.
I got a free cup of tea and ... I bought a box full of tea.
Знам, че днес прекалих със снимките. Но слагам ТОЧКА. Време е стягане на багажа - 24 часа до старта!
I know that today there are many photos. But end! Time for luggage - 24 hours to the start!
Love the photo of the display cabinets, what great colours.
ОтговорИзтриванеlol, i was expecting higher too...love the photos, good luck with the luggage
ОтговорИзтриванеYou photos are great again. I love the ones about peoples work and the one of the teas.
ОтговорИзтриванеYes, Suzie is tricking us with her prompts! You must be off travelling if there is luggage to be packed. Enjoy!
ОтговорИзтриванеHigher seemed logical, yes !
ОтговорИзтриванеGreat photos, beautiful display cabinets.
The tabletennis player scored a point!! X
ОтговорИзтриванеLove it :) Not long now :D xxxx
ОтговорИзтриванеAnother day of great photos. Can we see a photo of you again please?
ОтговорИзтриванеLOL! I didn't know, or even imagined, that they had taco places in Bulgaria. Are they good? That's why I'm enjoying your photographic journey so much. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that you won one of the ATC's. Someone chose the Dreams one already, but you can pick any of the others. I'm giving the remaining to other blogging friends, so please e-mail me your mailing address and let me know as soon as you can. Blessings!