Днес думата е - ПО-БЪРЗО!
- Скъпа, по-бързо! От 8 часа ще има турнир и ще ми трябва компютъра!
По-бързо мисли, по-бързо яж, по-бързо - ще закъснеем, нещо по-бързо да сготвя за вечеря...
Изобщо ние все по-бързо живеем!
Today the word is - FASTER!
- Honey, faster! By 8:00 pm there will be a tournament and I need a computer!
Faster thoughts, eat faster, faster - would be too late, something faster to cook for dinner ...
Generally we more and more live faster! More quickly!
Спомняте ли си това? По-бързо, По-бързо ... По-тихо!
Yesterday my post had to be -
"A stronger hug me!"
And today -
" Faster faster ... more quietly! "
/ Sex. She says - Faster! Faster!
A neighbor banging on the wall - More quietly!
Then she said - More quietly! More quietly!../

Това каза пред Нова телевизия почетният председател на Обединени земеделци Анастасия Мозер, която от няколко години живее в САЩ." /18.07.2012/
"Highways help young Bulgarians faster leave the country. I can not say that I have met many happy people in Bulgaria.
That said, the honorary president of the United Agrarians Anastasiya Mozer to Nova TV. She lived several years in the U.S."*
/ 18.07.2012 /Photo: BGNES
* more than 20 years!
That said, the honorary president of the United Agrarians Anastasiya Mozer to Nova TV. She lived several years in the U.S."*
/ 18.07.2012 /Photo: BGNES
* more than 20 years!
Great fun Borqna!!! Shhhhhh, slower! Xx :-)
ОтговорИзтриванеBeautiful sky photos and yes slower and quieter :) xx
ОтговорИзтриванеlovely photos of the countryside
ОтговорИзтриванеBorgna, definitly slower and quieter!!!!
ОтговорИзтриванеLovely photos again
Beautiful photos !