1. Choose a location.
2. Have your camera ready.
3. Set a timer for 5 minutes (I use my mobile phone).
4. Take as many photos you can until the time is up.
5. Choose 5 photos to download and share by using the link tool below.
Този месец имахме удоволствието да видим
спектакъла “Царевград Търнов - звук и светлина” - една неповторима
атракция, превърнала се в своеобразна емблема на град Велико Търново.
Драматична музика, разноцветни светлини, светкавици, лазерни лъчи и звън
от камбани са синхронизирани по уникален начин, за да разкажат бурната
история на България.
This month we were pleased to see
show "Tsarevgrad Turnov - Sound and Light" - a unique attraction that has become a kind of emblem of Veliko Tarnovo. Dramatic music, colored lights, lightning, laser beams and ringing of bells are synchronized in a unique way to tell the turbulent history of Bulgaria.
A superb piece of cake waiting for me quietly at the table while we watched the light show from the terrace of the restaurant.
Моите мъже - синът ми Владимир и моят съпруг Николай.
My men - my son Vladimir and my husband Nikolay.
Цялата вечер бе едно изключително изживяване. Когато направихме резервацията за този ресторант ние не знаехме, че ни очаква такава приятна изненада. Храната и обслужването също бяха на високо ниво!
The whole evening was an unforgettable experience . When we made the reservation for this restaurant we didn't know that we expected such a pleasant surprise. The food and service were also at a high level!
Спектакълът ще може да се наблюдава безплатно от площада пред Царевец
на 22 септември.
на 22 септември.
The show can be seen for free from the square in front of Tsarevets
on September 22nd.
What a wonderful surprise!
ОтговорИзтриванеWe had a similar experience some years back. We'd driven across country to see an annual Hot Air Balloon festival. We booked a B&B with rooms that looked out the back across the river and fields, not knowing that this was the launch site. Our friend phoned from the room next door early in the morning to say look out the window. There was a magical sight of balloons rising above the hill top, and we had armchairs in the window so we could watch them drift across the horizon until they disappeared like dots. This went on for a couple of hours, there was so many balloons.
I'm sure your own experience will live as long in your memory too. Thank you for sharing and I'm glad you had such a wonderful time and meal.
Thank you, Sandie, with all my heart -
Изтриванеyou know exactly what I'm writing here.
Thanks for your challenge too!
A beautiful night indeed!
ОтговорИзтриванеSuch an amazing sight - what a fabulous experience :-D xx
ОтговорИзтриванеHow lucky to have had this wonderful experience! Gorgeous!