Something Interesting seen through " a Window "
Малко снимки от рожденния ден на сина ми.
Влади навърши 14г. Гости - семейството на сестра ми и нашият племенник от Италия.
Тъй като и двамата ми племенници учат руски език, а Влади нямаше късмет /т.е. отличен успех!/ за руско езиково училище, от друга страна - за да запозная децата с руския дух и култура, избрах за тържеството този великолепен руски ресторант.
Few pictures of the birthday of my son.
Vlady age of 14 years.
Vlady age of 14 years.
Guests - the family of my sister and our nephew from Italy.
My nephews learn Russian / Vlady unfortunately had no luck - ie excellent results! for Russian language school/,
My nephews learn Russian / Vlady unfortunately had no luck - ie excellent results! for Russian language school/,
on the other hand - to introduce children to the Russian spirit and culture, I chose for our celebration this magnificent Russian restaurant - with the name of a picturesque pedestrian street in Moscow.
Този ден времето беше прекрасно и ние се наснанихме в градината - като в истинска руска дача!
That day the weather was wonderful and we settled in the garden - such as a real Russian cottage!
Това в чашата е руски квас. / That drink in the glass cup is a Russian kvas.
" Kvass is a fermented beverage made from black or regular rye bread. The colour of the bread used contributes to the colour of the resulting drink. It is classified as a non-alcoholic drink by Russian and Ukrainian standards, as the alcohol content from fermentation is typically less than 1.2%." - wikipedia
Тортата. / The cake.
" Руски ресторант без жива музика не е ресторант."
"Russian restaurant without live music is not a restaurant."
Великолепни руски песни. / Magnificent Russian songs.

Залезът и края на нашето скромно тържество. / Sunset and the end of our humble celebration.
Oh what a wonderful day you had! I don't think it was 'humble' at all. It looked exciting. The food looks so good as well. And to end it with chocolate cake? Couldn't have been any better. Great pictures Borqna!
ОтговорИзтриванеБоряна! Поздравляю вас с мужем с Днем Свадьбы! Любви и счастья долгие годы!!!!!
ОтговорИзтриванеБолшое спасибо, дорогая Таня!!!