Моята снимка
Sofia, Bulgaria; Just a woman in a Man's Man's World... Wife, mother of a 20+year-old boy -a young philosopher. Make cards sometimes and I was a proud DT member of IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.

понеделник, 14 май 2018 г.

5 in 5 - May 2018 - a piece infinity

1. Choose a location. 
2. Have your camera ready.
3. Set a timer for 5 minutes.
4. Take as many photos you can until the time is up.
5. Choose 5 photos to download and share by using the link tool below.
5 in 5 - May 2018

Small piece of infinity

For the second consecutive year, Sofia Tech Park hosts the Sofia Science Festival, 
organized by the British Council - Bulgaria with the support 
of the Ministry of Education and Science, Sofia Municipality and other.
За втора поредна година София Тех Парк е домакин на Софийския фестивал на науката, който се организира от Британския съвет- България с подкрепата на Министерството на образованието и науката, Столичната община и други.
We both with my son visited 3 of the lectures.(The time printed on the photos to read +1 hour.)
Ние двамата с моя син посетихме 3 от лекциите.
(Часът, отпечатан на снимките да се чете +1час.)

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